The Luck Of the Mexican!


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
Just wanted to say that I have pulled off the single most spectacular crash save I've ever done in my life! I was just out on my afternoon ride and had one of my friends go down in front of me. I sworved to miss him and hit my brakes. I must have hit the front brake a little too hard because the ass end of my bike came off the ground. I thought I was headed for the pavement but to my suprise, I didn't. I let off the brakes slightly and rode a front wheel wheely for about 20 feet. I've seen those clips of the guys on motorcycles do that before but never even thought I'd find myself in that situation. When I came to a stop, the rest of the group was totally in awe.

Has anyone else ever had that happen to them or am I just the coolest Mexican on 2 wheels?
Yesterday, I was riding with another Junior Racer and he was out of the saddle climbing a hill, his chain broke and it looked like when lance's pedal broke in the 2003 TDF. He recovered and rolled to the side of the road and then about 4 of us helped him fix his chain.
The reverse wheelie you did is something you don't see everyday, lol. A good save is something you don't foget.

A few years ago I was on a road bike ride and got caught in a summer rain. It had just started raining and the streets were very slick. I came over the top of a little hill with a short downhill to a stopsign. I hit the brakes for the stopsign and the bike just kept going because I was on the oily spot where the cars sat at the stop sign. There was a car coming from the left at speed and he had no stop sign. My brain did the calculations and I saw that I was on a collusion course with the car. I was going to skid through the stop sign and get hit by a car going 50 mph or so and would likely die. I had rubber soled touring shoes on that day and they may have saved my life. I pulled my right foot out of the pedal and turned the bike sideways and did a bmx style foot brake and skidded to a stop.

At the time I shrugged it off. But now when I think about it I shudder because I'm sure I would have went under the wheels of that car had I skidded through that stopsign.
I remember racing in the middle of a large pack when my friend and clubmate crashed right in front of me. I had no where to go as I hit the brakes and rode right over him and his bike on the front wheel. All happened so fast I didn't have time to seize up and crash as well. Even after 40 years I can still see it vividly in my mind.
Once, a while ago, I was eating chips, and as I dipped my crispy corn triangle into this great looking orange sauce, I was about to put in in my mouth, when this guy stopped me.
I'm like, WTF dude?:mad:
He's like, Dude, did you know that was Habanero salsa?
I'm like, Whoa, thanks allot. My head would have probably exploded eating that stuff.:(
Man, I felt like the luckiest Mexican on that day...:cool: