It seems that every coach and their dog is now recommending the use of power meters, but what actual scientific evidence is there to support the idea that power meters significantly improve coaching methodologies and ultimately, athlete performance.
Is this just a case of coaches jumping on the tech bandwagon or is there some real meat behind the claims.
It also seems that many coaches are relying on power meters as the only metric, rather than incorporating more traditional methods of assessment, such as perceived exertion and physiological markers.
Are we losing sight of the fact that cycling is still a physical and mental struggle, rather than just a numbers game.
Is this just a case of coaches jumping on the tech bandwagon or is there some real meat behind the claims.
It also seems that many coaches are relying on power meters as the only metric, rather than incorporating more traditional methods of assessment, such as perceived exertion and physiological markers.
Are we losing sight of the fact that cycling is still a physical and mental struggle, rather than just a numbers game.