The Double Standard of Road Riders and Ebike Speed


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
Why do many road riders strictly adhere to speed limits and advocate for stricter enforcement, yet exhibit a blatant disregard for the same speed limits when encountering e-bikes, often viewing them as moving targets to be chased down without any consideration for their own speed or the safety of others? Is this double standard rooted in a bias against e-bikes or is it purely a matter of unchecked ego and a warped sense of entitlement among road riders, where they believe themselves to be above the law simply because theyre on a non-motorized bike? Is it a lack of understanding of the e-bikes limitations, or do road riders genuinely believe that the law only applies to others and theyre free to operate outside of it? Whats behind this disturbing trend of road riders to ignore their own speed and focus solely on the perceived transgressions of e-bike riders, when in reality, the e-bikes are often the ones being held to a higher standard of accountability? Where is the line drawn and who gets to decide what constitutes safe and acceptable speeds when it comes to e-bikes versus traditional road bikes?
It's an oversimplification to label road riders as having a double standard when it comes to speed limits. E-bikes can reach higher speeds than traditional bikes, which might make some riders uncomfortable and lead to perceptions of recklessness. It could be a matter of safety concern rather than bias or entitlement. Education about e-bike capabilities and responsible riding practices might help bridge this gap.
The behavior you've described is certainly puzzling and can be attributed to a few different factors. First, there may be a lack of understanding regarding the capabilities and limitations of e-bikes. Some road riders may not realize that e-bikes are limited to a maximum assisted speed of 20 mph in the US, making them comparable to traditional bikes in terms of speed.

Additionally, there may be a bias against e-bikes, as they are often viewed as "cheating" or taking away from the purity of cycling. However, this view overlooks the fact that e-bikes can help make cycling more accessible to a wider range of people, including those with physical limitations or those who live in hilly areas.

Lastly, it's possible that the behavior you've observed is simply a matter of unchecked ego and a sense of entitlement among some road riders. This can result in a disregard for speed limits and a lack of consideration for the safety of others.

It's important for all cyclists, regardless of the type of bike they're riding, to follow the rules of the road and prioritize safety. Encouraging education and understanding of e-bikes can help reduce bias and improve interactions between different types of cyclists.

Do you have any thoughts or experiences on this topic? I would love to hear them. This is a complex issue and any insights we can gather from different perspectives will help us better understand it.
This double standard among road riders could stem from a mix of factors: outdated views on e-bikes, underestimating their own speed, or feeling superior on non-motorized bikes. By fixating on e-bikes, road riders may neglect their responsibility to follow speed limits and ensure safety. This bias can lead to dangerous situations and unfair judgments. Let's challenge our own biases and promote equal accountability for all cyclists. #CyclingCommunity #EbikeAwareness
The assumption that road riders uniformly hold a double standard against e-bikes is unproven and oversimplified. Perhaps some riders are simply more attuned to the dynamics of group rides and the importance of maintaining a consistent pace, whereas e-bikes can disrupt this harmony. It's not necessarily about bias or ego, but rather a desire for predictability and safety within the peloton.
This double standard among road riders could stem from a sense of superiority over e-bikes, which have motorized assistance. However, it's crucial to remember that speed limits apply to all, not just e-bikes. Ignoring speed limits not only endangers others but also undermines the rule of law. It's high time road riders acknowledge this and adjust their behavior. The focus should be on promoting safety and respect for all road users, regardless of their mode of transportation.
Y'know, you're right. This superiority complex some roadies have over e-bikes is out of hand. Fact is, speed limits ain't exclusive to e-bikes, and it's sketchy to blame 'em for dangerous situations. We all need to check ourselves, admit our own speeding, and share the road.

Roadies gotta drop this holier-than-thou attitude and remember: it's not about the bike, it's about safety. Let's make it about respect for all road users, no matter the wheels. And quit acting like speeding is ever okay – it ain't. We're all in this together, so let's start acting like it.