Following the episodes of the great nettle patch face plant and the
torrential nosebleed you would have thought that the evil sprites at Alton
Water would have decided that enough's enough, but no, they've struck again.
Not content with wreaking havoc on my mortal flesh they've turned to more
inanimate objects. Whilst ambling round there a couple of days ago - and I
mean ambling, I'm not built for speed or rough stuff - the brand new
HardRock suddenly developed an alarming creak/crackling noise with every
push on the either pedal. Last time I heard a similar noise was on an older
steel framed bike and the bottom bracket separated from the seat tube
shortly after. Took it straight back to Thomas's in Ipswich and they've just
rung to say it appears to have either a crack in the frame or a separating
weld. All credit to both Thomas's and Specialized, I'm off to pick up a
brand new one in a few minutes..........but I think I'll stay clear of AW
for while!
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torrential nosebleed you would have thought that the evil sprites at Alton
Water would have decided that enough's enough, but no, they've struck again.
Not content with wreaking havoc on my mortal flesh they've turned to more
inanimate objects. Whilst ambling round there a couple of days ago - and I
mean ambling, I'm not built for speed or rough stuff - the brand new
HardRock suddenly developed an alarming creak/crackling noise with every
push on the either pedal. Last time I heard a similar noise was on an older
steel framed bike and the bottom bracket separated from the seat tube
shortly after. Took it straight back to Thomas's in Ipswich and they've just
rung to say it appears to have either a crack in the frame or a separating
weld. All credit to both Thomas's and Specialized, I'm off to pick up a
brand new one in a few minutes..........but I think I'll stay clear of AW
for while!
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