Whats the point of using a power meter if most people are just going to ignore the data and continue to ride by feel, and isnt it just a fancy tool for wannabe pros to justify spending a ton of money on their bikes, and how many people actually use the data from their power meters to make meaningful changes to their training, and isnt the added weight and complexity of a power meter just a hassle for the average rider, and what about the argument that power meters are just a tool for obsessive types who are more concerned with numbers than actually enjoying the ride, and arent there plenty of successful cyclists who have never used a power meter and still manage to get great results, and isnt the real benefit of a power meter just the placebo effect, where people think theyre getting faster and stronger just because they have a fancy gadget on their bike, and whats the correlation between power meter use and actual cycling performance, and are there any studies that show that using a power meter actually leads to significant gains in speed or endurance, and isnt the whole power meter thing just a bunch of hype perpetuated by the cycling industry to sell more gear, and what about the argument that a good coach or experienced rider can get just as much information from a riders perceived exertion and heart rate data as they can from a power meter, and isnt the real key to getting faster and stronger on the bike just good old-fashioned hard work and dedication, rather than relying on fancy gadgets and technology.