Is the current trend of focusing on pre-race visualisation and mental rehearsal a form of mental crutch that may actually be hindering performance, rather than enhancing it, by creating an over-reliance on mental preparation and under-emphasizing physical preparation and actual racing experience?
Are we, as cyclists, spending too much time and energy visualising ourselves crossing the finish line first, and not enough time honing our skills and building our endurance? By doing so, are we neglecting the physical and tactical aspects of racing that ultimately determine success?
Furthermore, does the emphasis on pre-race visualisation create unrealistic expectations and set riders up for disappointment when reality doesnt match their mental rehearsal? And can this lead to a decrease in confidence and performance when faced with unexpected challenges or setbacks during the actual race?
Is it time to re-evaluate our approach to mental preparation and strike a better balance between visualisation and physical training, or are the benefits of pre-race visualisation too great to ignore?
Are we, as cyclists, spending too much time and energy visualising ourselves crossing the finish line first, and not enough time honing our skills and building our endurance? By doing so, are we neglecting the physical and tactical aspects of racing that ultimately determine success?
Furthermore, does the emphasis on pre-race visualisation create unrealistic expectations and set riders up for disappointment when reality doesnt match their mental rehearsal? And can this lead to a decrease in confidence and performance when faced with unexpected challenges or setbacks during the actual race?
Is it time to re-evaluate our approach to mental preparation and strike a better balance between visualisation and physical training, or are the benefits of pre-race visualisation too great to ignore?