Considering the traditional approach to triathlon training involves intense focus on each individual sport, is it possible that incorporating additional sports or activities outside of the traditional swim, bike, and run could have a more profound impact on recovery times for triathletes? For example, could activities like rowing, cross-country skiing, or even strength training have a greater effect on reducing muscle soreness and improving overall recovery when compared to the more common practices of rest and active recovery?
If so, what specific mechanisms or physiological responses might be driving these benefits, and how could triathletes incorporate these activities into their existing training plans without sacrificing performance in their core sports? Additionally, are there any potential drawbacks or risks associated with adding new sports or activities to a triathletes training regimen, and how might these be mitigated?
If so, what specific mechanisms or physiological responses might be driving these benefits, and how could triathletes incorporate these activities into their existing training plans without sacrificing performance in their core sports? Additionally, are there any potential drawbacks or risks associated with adding new sports or activities to a triathletes training regimen, and how might these be mitigated?