Telegraph - Chris Boardman article

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John Hearns

The Motoring section in Saturday's Telegraph had an interview with Chris Boardman (registration required)

And let's not have a Hoey-fest on this one :) Its in a motoring section - so they do have to talk
about cars a bit!
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 08:55:05 +0000, "John Hearns" <[email protected]> wrote:

>The Motoring section in Saturday's Telegraph had an interview with Chris Boardman

From the Telegraph page: "He is keen to emphasise that despite his enthusiasm for the bicycle as a
mode of personal transport - "It ticks all the boxes'' - he isn't remotely anti-car, saying that
it's as unfair to lump all cyclists together as it is to suggest that all car drivers are similar in
their attitude and behaviour."

A common sense approach.


"Sorry mate, I didn't see you" is not a satisfactory excuse.
>From the Telegraph page: "He is keen to emphasise that despite his enthusiasm for the bicycle as a
>mode of personal transport - "It ticks all the boxes'' - he isn't remotely anti-car, saying that
>it's as unfair to lump all cyclists together as it is to suggest that all car drivers are similar
>in their attitude and behaviour."
>A common sense approach.

'Twas my thoughts exactly.

Cheers, helen s

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