I am a swim coach with 30 years of experience. During that time I work
with many coaches worldwide and put many difficult Tools and Test into
small Excel programs. They ar all donatioware and can be found on my
website www.users.skynet.be/crtp/ where you can download them. Please
choose the English link because initialy the website was created voor
Belgian and Dutch atletes. For the Traitlon is a Peak Heart Rate
calculator wich calculated your Heart Rate for swimming, running and
cycling very good. Please look at de ref in the test where te test is
based on.
with many coaches worldwide and put many difficult Tools and Test into
small Excel programs. They ar all donatioware and can be found on my
website www.users.skynet.be/crtp/ where you can download them. Please
choose the English link because initialy the website was created voor
Belgian and Dutch atletes. For the Traitlon is a Peak Heart Rate
calculator wich calculated your Heart Rate for swimming, running and
cycling very good. Please look at de ref in the test where te test is
based on.