Super Bowl prediction


Bob Schwartz

TAFKA Prince will give the best halftime show in years.

Given that he's following Nipplegate, Sir Paul, and
Sir Mick, all of whom sucked hard, I think that one
is a safe bet. Janet Jackson's breast and Keith Richards'
face are both high up on the list of Things I Don't
Really Care To See.

Bob Schwartz
On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 18:58:56 GMT, Bob Schwartz
<[email protected]> wrote:

>TAFKA Prince will give the best halftime show in years.
>Given that he's following Nipplegate, Sir Paul, and
>Sir Mick, all of whom sucked hard, I think that one
>is a safe bet. Janet Jackson's breast and Keith Richards'
>face are both high up on the list of Things I Don't
>Really Care To See.

Neither is anything you won't find in a quality upholstery or luggage catalog.
