Sunday's ride



Sunday morning, bright and clear... I decide to take the MUni up into
Debyshire. I drive up to Black Rocks, Cromford, and set off along the
High Peak Trail - an old railway trackbed converted into a cycling and
walking route.

A short distance up the trail is My Own Personal Everest (MOPE). This
is a long 1:7 (14%) incline with a surface which varies from compacted
mud and grit to loose gravel to rough bedrock. When it was a railway,
the waggons had to be hauled up on a cable pulkled by a massive static
engine at the top. My best ever effort was to ride up MOPE in 3
stages, on a 24 with 150s. Today, I'm on the 26 x 2.3 with 150s.

How do you assess the difficulty of a ride when describing it to others?
It's so subjective. There are so many variables. Let's put it this
way: a few days ago, I did well over 2 hours and well over 20 miles on
the Coker without a dismount or UPD. I don't lack stamina,
determination, technique or concentration. However, I doubt I will ever
climb MOPE without a stop - unless I "cheat" and do it on a 20 with

I set up MOPE with vigour and enthusiasm... with hindsight, far too much
of both. By about a third of the way, I'm breathing so deeply that the
trees keep swaying towards me, and old people have to cling to their
hats to stop them being ripped from their heads and drawn into my
tortured lungs.

I get flustered on one of the uneven sections and UPD. I take the
opportunity to regain my composure. This is the most technically
demanding section, so I'm still in with a chance of doing the hill "in

Yeah, right! And the Pope never goes to church. After a third of the
rest of the way, I'm so out of breath that I step off the unicycle and
throw myself onto the verge in despair. It takes me a long time to

Part way up the hill, I meet a pair of volunteers who are doing minor
repairs to the trail. One steps across in front of me with his spade
and says, "I'll just move this stone for you." He flicks the tiniest of
pebbles out of my way. I thank him.

"How far are you going?" He asks.
"To the top," I respond, through gritted teeth.

Another UPD only fifty metres later, and this time, it takes me a couple
of attempts to remount. Wherever I try, there's always a difficult bit
(e.g. a discarded match stick) just too close for me to get my rhythm
going in time.

And then another UPD and two or three failed mounts. I'm overtaken by a
couple of elderly pedestrians.

Eventually, and with no feeling of achievement at all, I make it to the

To put this into context: the first two or three times I attempted this
hill, I turned back around half way up. This current attempt was
probably my second best on the 26. Perhaps cruising up it (I
exaggerate!) on the 24 has given me inflated expectations.

Anyway, there's a small shop at the top, and I purchase Lucozade and a
Snickers (the Bar formerly known as Marathon). It takes me a good 20
minutes to get myself back into a state fit to ride. My hands are
trembling and I feel like I've been fencing all day with no food. As a
former bicyclist, I've experienced the "Dreaded Knock", also known as
"The Bonk" (before that meant something else!) and this is something
different. It's like I've started digesting all next week's meals, only
to find I haven't eaten them yet.

Eventually, I remount and turn to ride back down the hill. The first
few yards of my ride take me past the cycle hire shed, where whole
families are getting ready to set of on mountain bike odysseys, still in
that stage of excited anticipation before the grim reality of differing
expectations, sulky children, and uncomfortable seats sets in.

One witty hirer remarks, "Look... he hired that at half price!"

As I reach the top of the hill, ready to descend, I see the notice that
warns cyclists not to ride down the steep incline. I may well have
pointed out before in this forum that INclines go UP, and DEclines
happen after you hit 40.

I make the whole descent in one. It takes a certain amount of care, but
it's not too demanding. I then turn off towards the quarry, the scene
of my chin splitting UPD of a few months ago. Will I have the courage
to attempt the same obstacle? Or the sense to refrain? Both
possibilities are left hanging because there is a huge family nearby
having a picnic, and I really don't want to spend the next few minutes
being the subject of loud and ironic commentary from the males in the

I ride back to the car park, feeling a little disconsolate. The ride up
MOPE has taken it out of me physically. There's not an awful lot nearby
that I can play on, and there are far too many people about - who would
have thought it on a Bank Holiday weekend? Don't they have a coast to
go to?

I decide to ride off into the woods a bit. The first stage takes me
past a small flat grassy area where a group of people are playing in a
slightly bored fashion with remote controlled cars. "Whizzz!" go the
cars. Then they go, "Whizzz!" This is followed shortly by a "Whizzz!"
This seems to be all that they do. One of the men tries to make it
marginally more interesting by aiming his R/C toy at me and playing
chicken. I'm tempted to run over the bloomin' thing, but I restrain

So, off into the woods, where I ride a challenging packed mud incline,
weaving between or riding over a few roots and the odd stone. Soon I
get to a bit that's too hard to ride, and I get off and push. I
generally head up hill, half planning to ride the descent. I come to a
slightly flatter smoother bit, remount and ride until I UPD for no good
reason. Morale is getting low. I sit down for a while and listen to
the birdsong and watch a rabbit. I decide the time has come to turn
back, mentally and physically burned out.

I ride most of the way back with only a couple of UPDs on the tricky
sections. Only 3.76 miles covered - some of that walked - and I'm more
beaten than I was after my 22 miler on Tuesday. Am I getting unfit, or
did I just bite off more than I could chew? We'll see.

Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling

Some days you're the fly; some days you're the windscreen. When you're
the fly, you get to eat sh*t.
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On Mon, 3 May 2004 14:50:29 -0500, "Mikefule" wrote:

>How do you assess the difficulty of a ride when describing it to others?
>It's so subjective.

One objective fact would help: how long is YOPE?

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
Clearly a system of 1/14 and 1/16 is not decimal - Mikefule on the English weight system
Klaas Bil wrote:
> *
> One objective fact would help: how long is YOPE?
> *

Never measured it. It's signposted as a nominal 1:7 (14%) and I guess
it's around 1/2 mile (0.8 km) long.

Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling

Some days you're the fly; some days you're the windscreen. When you're
the fly, you get to eat sh*t.
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Mike, ironically enough you weren't the only one wheeler out around
Black Rocks this weekend. Myself, James and Roland (all Derby Juggling
Club folks) were out and about in the same region on Monday afternoon.
Small world, eh?
We discussed parking at the bottom of the incline and having a go at
your 'Everest', but as we only had a couple of hours we thought that a
play in the woods around Black Rocks themselves would be more fun (and
less likely to cause us to black out).
There are some great sections through the woods around the rocks and we
rode up (and, I must admit, trudged on occasion) through these before
making it up to the trig point and then descending, via some quite
technical sections, back to the High Peak Trail. On a personal note,
despite not nearly being able to ride everything, I was able to ride the
majority of the route which pleased me no end (not quite up there with
James or Roland yet, but maybe one day...).
A good day out, but a shame we didn't bump into you - we've yet to meet
another uni rider on our trips and it will be good when we do, if only
to confirm that we're not alone!
We did encounter quite a few Bank Holiday folks bumbling about as well
and were struck with how some seemed to confuse a unicycle with a
hearing aid - or at least that was the only conclusion we could come to
when said people stand around twenty feet away and chat in very loud
voices about how "they must be right idiots" or "what a stupid thing to
do" or "he can't ride it properly" while you are trying to re-mount
after UPD'ing on the flattest, smoothest section of the trail. Ho-hum.

Anyway, I hope we meet on the trails soon,

Gary.Kelsall - One of the BJC 2004 organisers
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Ha! The unicycle as a hearing aid!

My tersest exchange ever, when riding:

Man to child: "Look at that silly man. He's a silly man isn't he."
Me to man: "Maybe, but I'm not deaf."

And if you're going to be riding on my pathc, don't go and blow my cover
by telling everyone how easy MOPE is. I'm 41 you know. Show some
respec'! ;)

And talking of other unicyclists: someone out there owes me a pint of
beer. My incredibly boring manager came up to me today for a talk
(he's lonely) and said, "I thought of you yesterday..." (beats the time
when he told me he'd had a bloomin' dream about me!:eek: ). He'd seen
another unicyclist, somewhere near Bestwood Park in Nottingham.

From the description (adult male, cycle helmet, backpack...) sounded
suspiciously like Gary "Unicus".

My boss is soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring. Someone out there owes me
a pint. No, make that a brewery.:mad:

Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling

Some days you're the fly; some days you're the windscreen. When you're
the fly, you get to eat sh*t.
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If it was monday that may well have been me. Ask him if the unicycle was
orange if you want to be definate. I'm going there again sometime, it
was quite good fun. Probably not for a while though, what with thse
pesky exams that I really should have been revising for while I was
throwing myself down hills on one wheel. Ah well, I'll get my
priorities sorted some time, but Ive got too many other things going on
to do that now.


johnhimsworth - Falling off with style...

What if the hokey cokey really is what it's all about?
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It's really nice to read a detailed account of someone's ride for a
change, don't mind the tech questions, but it's great to sit back and
just read a little story once in a while! I don't hink there are enough
of them. I think Mikefule must be responsible for some of the best
little unicycle anecdotes on the forum- hope it becomes a more regualar
feature! :)

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist


"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
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I look for mikefule's accounts and always enjoy reading them!

I too will be 41 in less than two weeks, and can sympathize with your
worries about physical conditioning. Think of it this way though; if
you've made it this far, you're on a roll!

elmer - uniimpaired

"At 40 life show."
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Hmmm. We'll take that one with a pinch of salt. The absence of an
apostrophe gives us no clue as to whther the author is a monotheist or
polytheist, so we have no data on which to base a rebuttal.

Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling

Some days you're the fly; some days you're the windscreen. When you're
the fly, you get to eat sh*t.
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I have no proper training in my native language, but I did rank as a
"grammar god" in the just conversation quiz a couple weeks back, so the
way I (as a grammar god), see it is:

If I were going to refer to a day belonging to a single god, I would use
the wording "BECOZ ITS GODS DAY". If I wanted to refer to a day owned by
multiple gods, I would say "BECOZ ITS THE GODS DAY". Since the latter
was used, I feel secure in saying that the author is a polytheist, but
there's more to consider.

The author also used the phrase "YOU BLOODY HERETIC". While I'm sure the
phrase is used elsewhere in the world, that use of the adjective
"bloody" is mainly seen in British English. Therefore, I feel it is safe
to assume that the author is a British Polytheist. Unfortunately, this
gives way to further assumption...

The only Polytheistic British religion that I am aware of is the Druids.
Making me believe that the author must be a druid. However, to the best
of my knowledge, the druids are all dead. Ergo, the author must be

The poster declared the existence of multiple dieties, and as he is
presumably posting from the afterlife, one has to believe that he is in
a position to know the truth. In 'another thread'
(, Mikefule hinted that he might not exist in
the way we expected. He might not even be alive.

As someone who has read Mikefule's posts religiously for quite some
time, I think that the answer is this - Mikefule is a diety, and he is
making his posts from the afterlife (presumably because he loves us).
One of the implecations of this is that the deceased poster mentioned at
the start of this post was unaware that, as a god, Sunday was Mikefule's
day, and it was perfectly acceptable for him to go riding.

Blasphemically yours,

wentz - Heh, Albatross is sorta blah, eh?

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Grogboy wrote:

Saturday is the sabbath GOD's holy day which is the 7th day of the week.
It referse to work not a relaxing uni ride. But we do selabrate it on
sunday, me and this kid at my church are trying to figure it out why its
not on sunday, I guess I'll do a little research.

Tim - Stuck on wheel walking

I got me a new summit for $191!
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Mikefule wrote:
> *
> From the description (adult male, cycle helmet, backpack...) sounded
> suspiciously like Gary "Unicus".*

Not me. My uni's are awaiting spares from Roger, cranks for my 20" and
I'm adding a brake to my MUni.

Back riding soon though, we'll have to arange a ride for Nott's/Derby
riders now there's a few.

Cheers, Gary


Every time I try to write my signature the pen slips on the monitor.
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Lovely analysis Rob.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
Clearly a system of 1/14 and 1/16 is not decimal - Mikefule on the English weight system
My word, will these coincidences never cease? Not only another
one-wheeler out on the Black Rock trails, but but one who's called Gary
as well.
Bless my soul, you could have knocked me down with a feather etc.

Gary (not Unicus Gary, but another one)

Gary.Kelsall - One of the BJC 2004 organisers
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what is a polytheise mono miest or a miester miester or whatever? i am
not a druid. i only drink fluid. AND I AM DEFINATLY NOT LURID

Grogboy - wankspanner

with great power comes great responsibility.
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