strap and clip petals, how tight?


New Member
Jul 22, 2006
I'm using the normal petals that came with my Trek 1500, I'd love to get clipless but I can't afford them right now. I'm wondering how tight they should be right now its not so tight I can get my feet in and out just fine. That petal thread sticky got me thinking that maybe I should have them tigher so I can pull up better. How do u guys make it tight, do u slip ur feet in and pull them right as u ride and then reach down to loosen one when u come to a stop? And while I'm here can anyone throw out suggestions for a budget clipless petals and shoes? thanks
This is the 3rd post I've seen talking about petals.

I have never had petals on my bike - am I missing something? Should I rush out and buy some? :(
jrtalon said:
I'm using the normal petals that came with my Trek 1500, I'd love to get clipless but I can't afford them right now. I'm wondering how tight they should be right now its not so tight I can get my feet in and out just fine. That petal thread sticky got me thinking that maybe I should have them tigher so I can pull up better. How do u guys make it tight, do u slip ur feet in and pull them right as u ride and then reach down to loosen one when u come to a stop? And while I'm here can anyone throw out suggestions for a budget clipless petals and shoes? thanks

When we use straps we tighten them as we get going, and hopefully remember to loosen them when we're ready to stop.

Performance Bike and Nashbar often have some clipless pedals in their brand for under $50 that are pretty good for what you're describing. Shoes should be tried on before purchase. Different brands offer differnt types of fit. Usually when you find a brand that fits you well you'll go back to that brand year after year.
Sillyoldtwit said:
This is the 3rd post I've seen talking about petals.

I have never had petals on my bike - am I missing something? Should I rush out and by some? :(

You should get some. The pleasant fragrance of the petals might make you a little less ornery...
wow thanks, Im just looking at those sites, nasbar has one for $20.00ea. I'm curious though what makes an expensive petal better then a "cheap" petal such as the one im considering getting? Are we just talking weight here or is there more too it?
jrtalon said:
wow thanks, Im just looking at those sites, nasbar has one for $20.00ea. I'm curious though what makes an expensive petal better then a "cheap" petal such as the one im considering getting? Are we just talking weight here or is there more too it?
20 dollars for one petal?!?! I can get a giant bunch of roses for half that price.

I can't go on - I'm going to fall off my chair!:D
Personally I think that clip on petals are dangerous. I wouldn't use them. Clipless petals are much safer, more functional and have a pleasing aeroma. :D
I use toe straps and clips on my pedals. Personally, I don't make them super-tight, as I want to stop freely at intersections, and I ride in rush hour traffic a lot. What I usually do is, I tighten one strap while stationary and one foot inside the strap, making it tight, then slackening it a bit (but only a little) to make it easy to insert and remove my foot; then I repeat for the other foot.

I think it's too dangerous to have on tight straps. I probably lose some power benefit by doing so, but I habitually just pull my (usually left) foot back when I need to stop. It's a compromise, but it's a safe compromise. Also, there is indeed a benefit to wearing toe straps and clips as opposed to plain "platform" pedals, even if the straps are not super-tight. I did indeed notice this after pedaling to an LBS to replace my plain plastic platform pedals, then pedaling back home with the newly installed aluminum toe strap pedals.

I've heard a few people complain about getting into a nasty crash using tight toe straps, and that these people threw out their strapped pedals and replaced them with clipless after such crashes. Personally, I don't want to spend $60 on clipless pedals and another $80 on cycling shoes. I am also a commuter and don't want to carry an extra pair of shoes in my luggage for work.

I also think that petals are a nice thing to scatter on a hot bath tub of water for your love, for a romantic flair.
Sillyoldtwit said:
I have never had petals on my bike - am I missing something? Should I rush out and buy some? :(
Neither have I, but there seem to be some interesting individuals out there. Lots of people also seem to somehow enjoy peddling while on their bike. Do you think they are trying peddle petals?
This thread raises an interesting question. Is it better to use petals or pedals?

There is an excellent article by Andy Cockburn "YOU AND YOUR PARTS", in which he breaks down all the integral parts of the bike (and tells you how to put it back together again) and gives the criterion for deciding between petals and pedals.

Basically, if your FTP is below 250Watts, then petals will suffice. However, if your FTP is 250Watts or above, then you should be using pedals.

Of course this presents a dilemma for people like me who are below the 250Watt threshold but hoping to exceed it one day.

Fortunately, SHEIKNOW the well known Japanese parts supplier will soon be introducing the PEDTAL onto the market.

The pedtal is a stroke of genius, giving the rider the fragrance of frangpani on a warm summers evening combined with the subtle stench of hairy armpits, giving the rider the best of both worlds. :D


No offence is meant JR TALON by the above. We all make booboos in our lives. I think we can say that we are laughing with you, not at you.;)
I was looking for a cheap pair of look delta compatible pedals to put on my 1980's hack bike, as the existing ones were nicked to put on my track bike and the cheapest I could find in Australia were AU$100. The Nasbar ones looked really cheap, however there doesn't seem to be a way to tell how much postage they are going to charge if you live out of US or Canada.

Does anyone use the rat-trap cleats with toeclips/straps? I've noticed some track riders using them.
If you are going to use toe-clips, you should think about getting cleated shoes. I wore cleats for years before anyone even thought of the clipless pedal. With the cleat in place, you don't have to cut off your circulation with that tight a strap, because the cleat tends to hold you in place.

As long as you are aware of what you need to do, you can stop safely with cleats. And if you do fall, it will be at zero miles an hour. I fell with cleats on exactly once, when I had to brake too quickly to make an allowance, so I had to drop myself on the ground. Kind of embarrassing, but I did the same thing once with clipless pedals. I don't think the one is any more dangerous than the other.

The main advantage of the clipless pedal, for me, is the float. With cleats, you really had to get the position of the cleat exactly right, or it was easy to hurt your knees. The big disadvantage, for me, is the clipless platform is very small by comparison, and it puts more pressure on a smaller area of the foot. When I had cleats, I had a hard wood soled shoe made by Duegi that had no give at all in the sole, and were totally comfortable on the bike. My Sidi's now are about 6 times as expensive and not anywhere near as comfortable or efficient.

Last year at Track Nat's one of my opponents in the match sprint ran me against the outer wall and then put his pedal into my front wheel-thereby removing 7 spokes. (He was relegated.) I managed to get down the banking to the apron. The first photo shows me trying to steer until I could stop (note the difference between the angle of the wheel and my handlebars) and then someone tried to catch me before I fell over. Double toe straps, and kierin-rated ones at that, do not stretch and you don't get out of them in a hurry if you need to...
Well I went to my LBS today and turns out they were running a sale, 40% off all clothing and shoes....I bought a pair of specialized shoes for $45(regularly $70 something) and a pair of clipless petals (look) for $44 a pair. Not too bad right?
jrtalon said:
Well I went to my LBS today and turns out they were running a sale, 40% off all clothing and shoes....I bought a pair of specialized shoes for $45(regularly $70 something) and a pair of clipless petals (look) for $44 a pair. Not too bad right?
jr, I see you still prefer petals to pedals. Ah well, everyone to his own.:D
*Writes on blackboard*
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
Ah there hopefully that will get it through my head lol:p
jrtalon said:
*Writes on blackboard*
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals pedals not petals
Ah there hopefully that will get it through my head lol:p
He He, glad you haven't read any of my posts, they are fill of typo's, spello's, with a bit of stupidity thrown in. Beside petals sounds like pedals with a bit of a french accent added.

So how would the pronouce pedals in "Dukes of Hazzard" territory?