Stop w/the pms... here it is


New Member
Jul 7, 2006
First off, this information is for entertainment use only.

I've doped on and off for a number of years. First time was 1986 in small country in Central America for the purposes of performing well at several up-coming stage races. I continued using steroids and testosterone on and off until 1993, when I joined the Army and became a military journalist.

The second time I doped was several years ago after a blood test came back revealing my testosterone levels were on the low side of the spectrum for my age, which was 40 at the time. It wasn't really that low, just on the low side. So I googled the issue and after some consideration undertook a course of what I'd call correction action. Basically I bought a fertility drug on the internet, took it as prescribed by numerous posts on several forums and got my blood re-tested. I figured I'd realize an increase, but I was surprised to find that my testosterone levels on second test were now beyond the normal rages for a man my age. And I noticed some changes as well.

I commute by bicycle to work twice a week. It's a 60-mile haul roundtrip and, if I add in the group ride, which sometimes I do, it's 90. When I get home after working nine hours plus 60-90 miles in the saddle, I'm ready to eat and go to sleep. But, after running the fertility drug for six weeks, I was coming home, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen and later making love to my appreciative wife. I remember distinctly washing dishes one night thinking, "Wow. I couldn't have done this a month ago."

The blood tests also revealed that my cholesterol improved. HDL went up. LDL stayed about the same. BP was normal. Liver enzymes, normal. Everything was perfect.

So back to the forums I went, this time looking at some of the good old drugs I had used back in the day -- testosterone and nandrolone.

This second go around with doping products I was much more successful in retaining my gains and recovering from, what we used to call, a testosterone/steroid hangover. In short, the second time around I did my research and discovered there were ways to recover natural testosterone production even right after a lengthy testosterone/steroid cycle.

The gains I realized were increased energy, libido and lean muscle mass. I gained about 10 pounds on my first testosterone cycle while riding and lifting weights. I lost about three pounds of that after I came off the testosterone cycle. Off cycle, my libido came down to normal and my energy dipped slightly, but still much higher than pre-drug use days.

I did have ethical concerns. Pre-drug use, on group rides I was a Cat.1 master who raced like a strong Cat.3. In other words, I slipped into breaks with neo-pros and Cat1's and had enough experience to hang in. Post-drug use, I was back to Cat.1 power, normally joining and marking winning moves and sometimes forcing them clear myself. If I raced post-drug use, I would, with but for a few exceptions, throttle other master riders. So, I let my racing license expire. I do consider, sometimes, re-upping it and racing Pro 1-2 races over interesting courses. But, it's more trouble than it's worth. I raced all over the states and in s.america. Honestly, the idea of packing the car, paying for gas, race fees and running the risk of ruining equipment and getting injured doesn't appeal to me anymore.

With regards to EPO, I would have likely used it in the 90s, but not now. I don't see it as a means to an end. Testosterone and steroids can be, I believe, of benefit to people who pursue an active lifestyle and who eat right. It can impact your health both positively and negatively.

So here are the steps I took to become a recreational doper. (Warning: If you're afraid of needles, this is not for you. If you are under 25 years of age, this isn't for you. You can make nice gains naturally.)

Step One: Get a blood screening. You can get one from your doctor or you can go online. There are a few disqualifying factors you'll be looking for ref. blood values. If your lipid profile is high, then this rec drug is not for you. Testosterone will significantly impact your HDL (good cholesterol) levels. If you're below 40 mg/dL to start with, you should definitely NOT continue down this path. If your total cholesterol falls between 200 and 239 mg/dL, you should definitely not continue.

If you natural testosterone levels are above 800 ng/dl, then you should probably not continue since you won't get much response from something that's already occurring naturally in fairly large quantities in you body. (More sensitive tests can measure how much of that total amount is "free" or "bioavailable" testosterone. These figures aren't that important unless you're not feeling well and believe yourself to be testosterone deficient despite a reasonable overall testosterone score.)

If you have prehypertension (120/80 or higher) then this is not for you.

If you have higher liver enzymes indicating liver disease or stress, this is not for you.

Step Two: Find a steroid forum. These are two that I recommend, but there's plenty out there: and

The first forum is a body building forum. I like this forum because there's a ton of traffic. But, keep in mind, the dosages for body builders are generally four-to-10 times the dosages you'll be interested in. Also, they are interested in steroids that won't help an endurance athlete or someone interested in gaining and maintaining modest amounts of lean muscle mass, increasing libido and increasing endurance. For that, the second forum works better. I like the body building forum for discussion about side effects and recovering natural testosterone production after a cycle since they have more experiences that come with higher dosages.

Step Three: Designing a cycle. The first cycle should be testosterone-only. The reason for this is because, if you have an adverse reaction during the cycle, you'll know which compound is causing the problem. Generally, as endurance athletes, you won't run more than two compounds per cycle. There are exceptions.

Here's a quick primer on testosterone esters. Testosterone comes in a number of esters. Esters allow for a slow or fast release of the testosterone. You'll be mostly interested in three slow releasing testosterones -- testosterone cypionate (test c or cyp), ethanate (test e) and a blend of five esters called Sustanon250.

Cypionate and ethanate have half-lives of about 11 days. They become active immediately but build to full power slowly. They take about two weeks to become ineffective. Sustanon has an ester of testosterone called propionate, which becomes active immediately and effective within a couple days. Sustanon also contains test e, three more esters with separate half lives going out to 16 days. The idea is, once one levels off the next will take over.

All three of the above mention testosterone are effective for endurance purposes. There's virtually no difference between test cyp and test e. I perfer Sustanon because it takes less injections (once/week) to maintain even testosterone blood levels, which is important. If they get jerked around a lot, the mechanisms they promote won't know what gear they're in. In short, you can run higher levels, but you body needs to make the necessary adjustments to utilize the higher dosages, which takes time.

You're first cycle should probably look like this:

Week 1-8: Testosterone Cypionate, Ethanate or Sustanon250, 125-250mgs/week.

The 125-250mg is a wide range and will depend on several factors. One is your weight. Bigger people will require more. One is your goal. If you want more muscle mass or increase rbcs, you'll need a higher dosage. One is your pre-cycle health test. Higher dosages come with higher risks.

Generally, your first cycle should be light and fairly short. You're dipping your toes in the water and checking for side effects. Side effects at these dosages should be light to non-existent, but if they do occur you can expect them to be worse if you up the dosage. They will include increased blood pressure, hair loss, acne, increase lipid profile. Liver and kidney function should not be effected. I've known people to get no side effects and I've known some to get all. Chances are, you'll get a few and they'll be light.

Ideally, you should perform a mid-cycle blood test and a post cycle blood test, but really, the post-cycle blood test is the most important. Look, you're not going to do any permanent damage to yourself with the above dosages for the above length of time. But, over years you could. It's important to know exactly what values are changing while you're on a cycle and if these are acceptable to you and if there are things you can do to manipulate them within normal, healthy ranges.

A quick note about doctors: Unless you know your doctor well, don't tell him/her what you're doing. All the information pertinent to steroid and testosterone use can be found on the net. Health care providers are behind. YOU CAN GET A BLOOD TEST ONLINE. GOOGLE IT. It's usually less expensive than seeing a physician, if you live in the US. Outside the US, it may be you're only recourse.

Step Five: Design a post-cycle therapy regiment (pct): Injecting testosterone will shut down you body's ability to produce it naturally. About 10-15 days after your last shot of testosterone, you'll need to restart it. There are two drugs that work best for this. One is a fertility drug called clomid. The other is, and regarded as better, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate).

Google and research these two drugs to determine the mechanisms at play, but in short they are estrogen agonist/antagonist. Estrogen is closely tied to the testosterone production as they play off each other. If one is high, the other will seek a stasis of sorts. Blocking estrogen allows the testosterone that is being produced to work more effectively. My expertise on this is limited. Both clomid and nolvadex have been used for years… on women. Tested and regarded safe by FDA… for women.

Side effects of these drugs are very mild. Clomid can make a person moody. Nolvadex can elevate liver values and can also lower HDL, good cholesterol, but side effects with nolvadex are very rare. In fact, I've only read about them, never heard of it happening. I blood tested after running six weeks of nolvadex, tapering after two weeks and found no change in any of my values.

To simplify, I'm going to use nolvadex for your pct:

Week 10-12: Nolvadex, 20mgs/daily
Week 13-14: 15mgs/daily
Week 15: 10mgs/daily
Week 16: 5mgs/daily

After pct, generally testosterone levels are in the high range, sometimes more than 1,000 ng/dl.

There's another drug called HCG, which is very beneficial for recovering natural testosterone production. I've done it and it works well, but for the first time out you'll want to keep things simple. Save that for your second cycle. Do your research on the drug as there are two ways to use it.

PCT is the most important part of your cycle. You will lose some gains. RBCs will return to normal after about 120 days. (I gain five hematocrit points running 250mgs/week of Sustanon for 10 weeks.) The mechanisms that promote protein sysnthesis will also decline and you'll loose some water weight. Key is staving off catabolism due to low testosterone levels. Don't attempt a cycle before you get all your pct drugs in hand.

Step Six: Finding a source. Finding a domestic source could take year or more. Best place to look is on the above forums. Don't ask outright for a source and don't pm people for sources. Just hang around, ask questions and after a while you'll become a trusted member. There are source boards where you can find domestic sources. The difference between domestic and international sources is this: International sources are usually cheaper because you run the risk of having your shipment seized at the boarder. The USA is pretty relaxed, surprisingly. UK is as well. Canada is tough, from what I've read on the forums. Australia is nearly impossible.

There are plenty of scams. If someone pms you wanting to sell you something, don’t do it. Normally, the best bet is to go international until you find a trusted domestic source. Use a source that sponsors one of the above forums. I've used one off the meso forum with great success. My last bill for steroids/testosterone ran $333 USD. That gave me more than eight cycles. Running three cycles a year, which is a lot -- two is best -- that's more than two year's supply. That doesn't include the nolvadex, which runs about $25/cycle. HCG runs about $25/cycle as well.

Be prepared for some cloak and dagger ****. Last time I ordered, I sent a Western Union money order to someone name Boblica Bromagrantis in Isreal.

In the USA, buying syringes online is easy, cheap and legal. Syringes are CHEAP. You can get 100 for $12 USD. You'll want 23g/1.5 inch, 3cc.

Step Six: Injecting. There are three types of containers your testosterone or steroid "oil" will come in: an amp, a vile, a sachet. Each has it's own unique concerns and you should google and ask on the forums how to fill a syringe from each. Common to all is cleanliness. Make sure you have plenty of room to work. Clean the area with a disinfectant. Clean your hands. Clean the amp, vile or sachet. Swap the amp, vile or sachet with rubbing alcohol.

Same precautions should be taken when injecting yourself.

You'll almost exclusively be injecting into the deep muscle tissue of the glutes. You're trying to put it as deep as possible but without hitting any major nerves that supply legs. For this reason, you're going to be shooting into the outter third of the glute. Best way I've found to do this is to find the maximum protrusion point of your ass -- where it sticks out the furthest. From there go one inch to the outside, half an inch up. Direct the needle at about a 45-degree angle down and slightly inward.

This site give good illlustrations:

When you stick the needle in you'll need to pull BACK on the plunger until you see air bubbles. Air bubbles mean you're not in vein. Injecting into a vein won't kill you, but your heart will, for a second, pump so viscous oil when it's used to pumping just blood.

Step Seven: Expectations: Key to realizing gains is consistent training, diet and sleep. If you can't do those three, then the only thing you'll get from testosterone injections are an increased libido, some strength, and negative side effects. You will elevate your performance with the strength and rbc's, but that will ALL go away once the testosterone injections stop. You can realize and retain gains in strength and thus pedal mechanics since those two, in my mind anyway, are tied closely together. I think it's an excellent idea for older riders to get in the weight room once or twice a week and concentrate on powerlifts like squat, deadlift and bench press. These heavy lifts will layer on muscle mass and address muscle imbalances and flexibility issues.

The first two weeks of test cyp or e, you'll feel nothing. Then, you'll experience an increase in strength and libido. The strength will build throughout the cycle. Once the rbc's max out after eight weeks, you'll be stronger for longer periods. The above is the same with Sustanon, but you'll feel everything sooner with a slightly lower plateau in strength.