Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Man


Edward Dolan

I have just recently looked in on this newsgroup AB and did not bother to
look at anything previously posted since as far as I can tell everyone on
this group seems to be an idiot. However, allow me to express an opinion on
your patron saint, Steve Irwin.

Am I the only one in the world who thinks he was a jerk? He constantly took
risks in order to make a splash in the media. But more than that, I thought
him consistently annoying in the extreme. There was frankly just nothing
about him that I liked at all. He seemed not only a jerk but a slob into the
bargain. Every time I saw him on TV I wondered what the big jackass was
going to do next. I note that his wife and kids seem to be as dumb as was
too. Is that what Aussies admire?

I think it is time for Australia to come out of the back woods and join the
rest of the world. You have hundreds of millions of Indians, Indonesians and
Chinese just north of you who are waiting to pounce on you.They will
overflow you and you will become as irrelevant as your aborigines. It was
crazy to think that Europeans could ever settle a continent that was in
Asia's back yard.

But enjoy your Steve Irwin thing while you can. I know that you have pretty
much destroyed all your wildlife that same as we Americans. Yea, that is
what we are really good at - killing off all the wildlife.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
[ Most of the ****-poor drivel snipped ]
> I note that his wife and kids seem to be as dumb as was
> too. Is that what Aussies admire?

Dumb Americans?
"Alex" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> [ Most of the ****-poor drivel snipped ]
>> I note that his wife and kids seem to be as dumb as [he] was
>> too. Is that what Aussies admire?

> Dumb Americans?

So Alex is an admirer of Steve Irwin? Who knows, since all he apparently
wants to do is take a ****.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> I have just recently looked in on this newsgroup AB and did not bother to
> look at anything previously posted since as far as I can tell everyone on
> this group seems to be an idiot. However, allow me to express an opinion on
> your patron saint, Steve Irwin.
> Am I the only one in the world who thinks he was a jerk?

Damn right. You just upped your jerk meter a whole bunch.

He constantly took
> risks in order to make a splash in the media. But more than that, I thought
> him consistently annoying in the extreme.

Why is that? Are you afraid of wildlife? Is your padded room secure?

There was frankly just nothing
> about him that I liked at all. He seemed not only a jerk but a slob into the
> bargain. Every time I saw him on TV I wondered what the big jackass was
> going to do next. I note that his wife and kids seem to be as dumb as was
> too. Is that what Aussies admire?

Not idiots like you.
> I think it is time for Australia to come out of the back woods and join the
> rest of the world. You have hundreds of millions of Indians, Indonesians and
> Chinese just north of you who are waiting to pounce on you.They will
> overflow you and you will become as irrelevant as your aborigines. It was
> crazy to think that Europeans could ever settle a continent that was in
> Asia's back yard.
> But enjoy your Steve Irwin thing while you can. I know that you have pretty
> much destroyed all your wildlife that same as we Americans. Yea, that is
> what we are really good at - killing off all the wildlife.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Bill Baka" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> I have just recently looked in on this newsgroup AB and did not bother to
>> look at anything previously posted since as far as I can tell everyone on
>> this group seems to be an idiot. However, allow me to express an opinion
>> on your patron saint, Steve Irwin.
>> Am I the only one in the world who thinks he was a jerk?

> Damn right. You just upped your jerk meter a whole bunch.

Bill Baka - the American Steve Irwin!

> He constantly took
>> risks in order to make a splash in the media. But more than that, I
>> thought him consistently annoying in the extreme.

> Why is that? Are you afraid of wildlife? Is your padded room secure?

Bill Baka - the American Steve Irwin!

> There was frankly just nothing
>> about him that I liked at all. He seemed not only a jerk but a slob into
>> the bargain. Every time I saw him on TV I wondered what the big jackass
>> was going to do next. I note that his wife and kids seem to be as dumb as
>> he was too. Is that what Aussies admire?

> Not idiots like you.

I read that his wife really admired the big dumb galoot. His kids look and
sound retarded to me.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

>> I think it is time for Australia to come out of the back woods and join
>> the rest of the world. You have hundreds of millions of Indians,
>> Indonesians and Chinese just north of you who are waiting to pounce on
>> you.They will overflow you and you will become as irrelevant as your
>> aborigines. It was crazy to think that Europeans could ever settle a
>> continent that was in Asia's back yard.
>> But enjoy your Steve Irwin thing while you can. I know that you have
>> pretty much destroyed all your wildlife that same as we Americans. Yea,
>> that is what we are really good at - killing off all the wildlife.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Am I the only one in the world who thinks he was a jerk? He constantly
> took risks in order to make a splash in the media. But more than that, I
> thought him consistently annoying in the extreme.

Yeah, all them goddamn aussies talk like geckoes all the goddamn time.
"Ludmila Borgschatz-Thudpucker, MD" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Am I the only one in the world who thinks he was a jerk? He constantly
>> took risks in order to make a splash in the media. But more than that, I
>> thought him consistently annoying in the extreme.

> Yeah, all them goddamn aussies talk like geckoes all the goddamn time.

The English still think that they are the paragons of how the language
should be spoken and written, but they no longer are. It is we Americans
(the sole remaining super power in the world) who best embody properly
spoken and written English, especially those of us from the Upper Midwest
(Minnesota). The only real paragon left in the world is Ed Dolan the Great.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Ignoring the trollish aspects of the OP, I /do/ wish they'd just let the
poor guy die already! Seems like his "incident" was weeks ago, and they're
STILL memorializing him every ten minutes. He wasn't Princess Diana or
anything; or was he? (I get the Aussie adoration blitz, but on U.S. TV?)

Bill ", now" S.
"Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ignoring the trollish aspects of the OP, I /do/ wish they'd just let the
> poor guy die already! Seems like his "incident" was weeks ago, and
> they're STILL memorializing him every ten minutes. He wasn't Princess
> Diana or anything; or was he? (I get the Aussie adoration blitz, but on
> U.S. TV?)
> Bill ", now" S.

Bill, why is it trollish of me to say EXACTLY what I think? Isn't that what
Usenet is all about?

I am not here to blather a lot of bromides nor am I here to make any
friends. I simply want to say what is on my mind and to let the chips fall
where they may.

You are mostly a peacemaker, but I am mostly not (except when I want to be).
I post a lot of interesting opinion which others are free to respond to or
not as they wish. There is very little trolling involved except to get their
attention and interest. If you would like to know what a troll is all about,
I urge you to go to the Google archives and read the Ed Gin posts (under
various false names of course - like Johnny NoCom).

I did not like this Steve Irwin character and I absolutely hated Princess
Diana, but that is another subject for another day.

By the way, you should have quoted my original message (at least the
pertinent parts) that you were responding to. Not to have done so can lead
one to make all kinds of negative assumptions about your character.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Ignoring the trollish aspects of the OP, I /do/ wish they'd just let
>> the poor guy die already! Seems like his "incident" was weeks ago,
>> and they're STILL memorializing him every ten minutes. He wasn't
>> Princess Diana or anything; or was he? (I get the Aussie adoration
>> blitz, but on U.S. TV?)
>> Bill ", now" S.

> Bill, why is it trollish of me to say EXACTLY what I think? Isn't
> that what Usenet is all about?
> I am not here to blather a lot of bromides nor am I here to make any
> friends. I simply want to say what is on my mind and to let the chips
> fall where they may.
> You are mostly a peacemaker, but I am mostly not (except when I want
> to be). I post a lot of interesting opinion which others are free to
> respond to or not as they wish. There is very little trolling
> involved except to get their attention and interest. If you would
> like to know what a troll is all about, I urge you to go to the
> Google archives and read the Ed Gin posts (under various false names
> of course - like Johnny NoCom).
> I did not like this Steve Irwin character and I absolutely hated
> Princess Diana, but that is another subject for another day.
> By the way, you should have quoted my original message (at least the
> pertinent parts) that you were responding to. Not to have done so can
> lead one to make all kinds of negative assumptions about your
> character.

I didn't quote any of it because I didn't /reply/ to any of it. (Heck, I
didn't even /read/ any of it.) I only commented on the subject itself
because I did have an opinion about it.

The reason I rightly called it "trollish" should be evident, even to you.
(Hint: if I post a rant about chocolat chip cookies to 6 or 7 /computer/
newsgroups -- or /cycling/ newsgroups -- that's called TROLLING for a
response. It's completely off-topic, so the intention is obvious. HTH)
"Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:4AzQg.6370$%[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> Ignoring the trollish aspects of the OP, I /do/ wish they'd just let
>>> the poor guy die already! Seems like his "incident" was weeks ago,
>>> and they're STILL memorializing him every ten minutes. He wasn't
>>> Princess Diana or anything; or was he? (I get the Aussie adoration
>>> blitz, but on U.S. TV?)
>>> Bill ", now" S.

>> Bill, why is it trollish of me to say EXACTLY what I think? Isn't
>> that what Usenet is all about?
>> I am not here to blather a lot of bromides nor am I here to make any
>> friends. I simply want to say what is on my mind and to let the chips
>> fall where they may.
>> You are mostly a peacemaker, but I am mostly not (except when I want
>> to be). I post a lot of interesting opinion which others are free to
>> respond to or not as they wish. There is very little trolling
>> involved except to get their attention and interest. If you would
>> like to know what a troll is all about, I urge you to go to the
>> Google archives and read the Ed Gin posts (under various false names
>> of course - like Johnny NoCom).
>> I did not like this Steve Irwin character and I absolutely hated
>> Princess Diana, but that is another subject for another day.
>> By the way, you should have quoted my original message (at least the
>> pertinent parts) that you were responding to. Not to have done so can
>> lead one to make all kinds of negative assumptions about your
>> character.

> I didn't quote any of it because I didn't /reply/ to any of it. (Heck, I
> didn't even /read/ any of it.) I only commented on the subject itself
> because I did have an opinion about it.

It was under my post and hence my thread and you are a scoundrel for doing
what you did. Post your own original **** if you do not want to quote
others' messages. I brought up the subject of Steve Irwin, not you!

> The reason I rightly called it "trollish" should be evident, even to you.
> (Hint: if I post a rant about chocolat chip cookies to 6 or 7 /computer/
> newsgroups -- or /cycling/ newsgroups -- that's called TROLLING for a
> response. It's completely off-topic, so the intention is obvious. HTH)

Being off-topic has nothing to do with trolling. Posting to more than one
newsgroup, no matter the subject, also has nothing to do with trolling. But
I am too weary to educate you on the subject. Did you check out the Ed Gin
posts to ARBR? Of course not. You are way too lazy for that (as am I).

I do not care whether or not I get any repsonses to my messages, although I
almost always do. If someone wants to respond to what I say, that is fine.
If they don't, that is also fine. All that matters to me is that I have my
say. What is so difficult about this to understand?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:

> "Ludmila Borgschatz-Thudpucker, MD" <[email protected]> wrote in
> message news:[email protected]...
> >
> >"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> news:[email protected]...
> > >
> > > Am I the only one in the world who thinks he was a jerk? He
> > > constantly took risks in order to make a splash in the media.
> > > But more than that, I thought him consistently annoying in the
> > > extreme.

> >
> > Yeah, all them goddamn aussies talk like geckoes all the goddamn
> > time.

> The English still think that they are the paragons of how the
> language should be spoken and written, but they no longer are. It is
> we Americans (the sole remaining super power in the world) who best
> embody properly spoken and written English, especially those of us
> from the Upper Midwest (Minnesota). The only real paragon left in the
> world is Ed Dolan the Great.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Ed, FFS get a sig separator. Oh, and don't be such a ******.

"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:D[email protected]...
> "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> Bill, why is it trollish of me to say EXACTLY what I think? Isn't that
> what Usenet is all about?
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

If you say what's on your mind, you need some medication, your brain cells
are out of sync,
Bill Sornson wrote:
> Ignoring the trollish aspects of the OP, I /do/ wish they'd just let the
> poor guy die already! Seems like his "incident" was weeks ago, and they're
> STILL memorializing him every ten minutes. He wasn't Princess Diana or
> anything; or was he? (I get the Aussie adoration blitz, but on U.S. TV?)

Who cares about Princess Diana? [1] When I heard about the accident, my
first thought was "at least they didn't kill any innocent bystanders
with their reckless driving".

Her tombstone should read "Get a designated driver" and "faster your
focking seatbelt".

[1] If the English were smart, they would toss out the freeloaders.

Tom Sherman - Here, not there.
Mr. Ed Dolan the Grate wrote:
> ...nor am I here to make any friends....


> You are mostly a peacemaker, but I am mostly not (except when I want to be).
> I post a lot of interesting opinion which others are free to respond to or
> not as they wish. There is very little trolling involved except to get their
> attention and interest. If you would like to know what a troll is all about,
> I urge you to go to the Google archives and read the Ed Gin posts (under
> various false names of course - like Johnny NoCom).

Opinion stated as fact. Where is the definitive proof of the identity
of "Johnny NoCom"? [1].

Heck, I can think of several "Monkeys" who are much more obvious
candidates for being "Johnny NoCom" than Ed Gin.

[1] NoCom - fastest unfaired bike in the known universe.

Tom Sherman - Here, not there.
Bill Sornson wrote:
> (I get the Aussie adoration blitz, but on U.S. TV?)

Naah it is the yanks that have the hots for irwin.
Discovery channel apparently.
Lets face it, their country is being tanked by the chimp they elected as
president and the facard is getting bigger cracks all the time, so they
will seize upon anything as a diversion from reality.
Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman wrote:

> [1] If the English were smart, they would toss out the freeloaders.

Are they not waiting for the yanks to show them how.
What is the mexican count now?
Something I read said that the USA is also letting in 25,000 muslims a
year into the USA as legitimate migrants. Aparrently quadrulpled the
figure prior to 911.

"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> ... It is we Americans (the sole remaining super power in the world) who
> best embody properly spoken and written English, especially those of us
> from the Upper Midwest....

The correct spelling is "superpower" - one word. Even in the Midwest.

Terryc wrote:
> Bill Sornson wrote:
>> (I get the Aussie adoration blitz, but on U.S. TV?)

> Naah it is the yanks that have the hots for irwin.
> Discovery channel apparently.
> Lets face it, their country is being tanked by the chimp they elected
> as president and the facard is getting bigger cracks all the time, so
> they will seize upon anything as a diversion from reality.

So from what violent criminal did /you/ descend?

Terryc wrote:
> Johnny Sunset aka Tom Sherman wrote:
> > [1] If the English were smart, they would toss out the freeloaders.

> Are they not waiting for the yanks to show them how.

I was referring to the Hanoverians aka Windsor's. While they are at
it, they should dump the House of Lords, and adopt a constitution that
guarantees civil and human rights for UK citizens.

> What is the mexican count now?

The real problem in the US is that the top 0.01% is trying to establish
themselves as a permanent hereditary ruling class.

Most of the Mexican's I see are working their ass off trying to make
some money to send to their families. If we want to start pointing
fingers, take a look at the failed "Washington Consensus" neo-liberal
trade and economic policies shoved down the throats of Central and
South America by the World Bank and IMF.

> Something I read said that the USA is also letting in 25,000 muslims a
> year into the USA as legitimate migrants.

Anyone who thinks Islam is the problem is ignorant and/or irrationally
prejudiced. Yes, there are a few who DELIBERATELY MISINTERPRET the
teaching of Mohammed, but the same can be said for the followers of the
other Abrahamic religions.

> Aparrently quadrulpled the figure prior to 911.

What does the establishment of one phone number for emergency services
dispatch agencies (ESDA) combining police, fire and ambulance services
have to do with this?

Tom Sherman - Here, not there.