So Im Trainning to Road Race.....


New Member
Jun 15, 2004
Edit: Tranning = Training mistyped the title Opsie

Well, Ive been biking since like 4 or 5 REALLY got into biking around 14, now 20 yrs old, I've been Biking up to 210 + miles a week.... Now I know this might sound crazy and a little odd but

Ive been riding on a Mtn bike...not a road bike, love road biking, dont really enjoy mtn biking as much but anyways..Ive been riding the mtn bike because I can go with friends on trails and stuff, and since Im on a tight budget with college and all....I cant really get a road bike.....

anyways, as of late Ive been practicing on Mt Mitchell (Eastern America's highest point. Rev. Mitchell 7000 Elevation) been doing that at LEAST 2 times a week and if I dont feel like doing that I go to Mt Pisgah which is slightly under mitchell at around 6200ft elevation, which are the best mtns in the east to practice on and are Not as easy as you think.

I love to pass road bikers on my mtn bike going up ....But Now I am really considering getting into road races when I get a road bike which I hope to be soon....
My schedule of riding is like this

Monday: 60miles
Tuesday: 40 miles
Wednesday: 50miles
Thursday: day off
Friday: Mt Mitchell 30Miles
Saturday: Mt Pisgah or something with a large climb 30miles
Sunday: day off

With occasional 100+ mile rides

Been doing this bike schedual since March with a week off

I usually always bike by myself occasionally with bike grps but I usually end up leaving them in the dust so I end up by myself again
anyways Im really conisdering getting into racing, is there something more I should be doing or less ...Besides getting a road bike durrr lol....
Hiya If you want to start rr the most important thing is learning road craft. Your bike handling will be ok from your mtb rides but its a diffrent ball game riding with other riders next to and in front of you. Join a club and go riding with them. Dont worry its not hard just diffrent. You cant beat going down a hill at 60km in a bunch. Your training seems ok but do some sprints to aid your recovery in a race ( sprints to attack, chase and out of corners) Good luck mate and keep me posted Moggie:D