Amusing, insightful article from SMH's Heckler, this is a section for readers submissions:
SMH: Little feet and spinning wheels: never the twain should meet
" .. I'm a transport trilinguist. I speak motorist, cyclist and pedestrian with equal fluency. I don't feel any sense of "us and them" with any group because I belong to them all. I do feel differing degrees of pride and shame within each group, however.
I'm most proud of my fellow cyclists and most ashamed of my fellow pedestrians. How can that be? All we pedestrians ask is a little respect from cyclists when they share our paths. Translation: let us use the path however we please and none of your damned impertinence. .."
(more in article)
SMH: Little feet and spinning wheels: never the twain should meet
" .. I'm a transport trilinguist. I speak motorist, cyclist and pedestrian with equal fluency. I don't feel any sense of "us and them" with any group because I belong to them all. I do feel differing degrees of pride and shame within each group, however.
I'm most proud of my fellow cyclists and most ashamed of my fellow pedestrians. How can that be? All we pedestrians ask is a little respect from cyclists when they share our paths. Translation: let us use the path however we please and none of your damned impertinence. .."
(more in article)