Ekul Namsob
We've just returned from our holidays, where we camped in Bavaria and at
Lake Garda, and Small is now so confident on her bike that she will
happily cycle with her feet on the top tube, much to my pride and alarm.
She has comprehensively outgrown her Raleigh Ollie 12"- with the seat at
its highest, Small's feet are flat on the ground- so we are looking for
something bigger.
Grandparents have obtained (from a jumble sale, so we're not obliged to
keep it for any length of time) a BSO for her which weighs about the
same as Kate's Revolution Courier Nexus and so we would like to find
something lighter and better made.
I know that Islabikes come strongly recommended but we wonder whether
Small would be better off with hub gears. Are there any other brands we
ought to be looking at?
Red Rose Ramblings, the diary of an Essex boy in
exile in Lancashire <http://www.shrimper.org.uk>
Lake Garda, and Small is now so confident on her bike that she will
happily cycle with her feet on the top tube, much to my pride and alarm.
She has comprehensively outgrown her Raleigh Ollie 12"- with the seat at
its highest, Small's feet are flat on the ground- so we are looking for
something bigger.
Grandparents have obtained (from a jumble sale, so we're not obliged to
keep it for any length of time) a BSO for her which weighs about the
same as Kate's Revolution Courier Nexus and so we would like to find
something lighter and better made.
I know that Islabikes come strongly recommended but we wonder whether
Small would be better off with hub gears. Are there any other brands we
ought to be looking at?
Red Rose Ramblings, the diary of an Essex boy in
exile in Lancashire <http://www.shrimper.org.uk>