Skill level testing in Australia



I'm working on my level 5 skills at the moment, and hope to have them
ready soon. How do I do the test? IUF or USA? Is there anyone in
Australia who can test me, or I can send a video to?

Any Australians out there who have passed a skill level test?

fattyjules's Profile:
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what do you get for video taping it and "officially" passing a level? A
card that says level 5?

gpickett00 - I can ride with just one foot!!!!!!

Bicycle is just a short way of saying unicycle with a training wheel.
'Our unicycling video' (
> I like to do things that confuse other people - mix chocolate milk and
> orange juice, read books in trees, and other junk like that.

gpickett00's Profile:
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A friend of mine checked and I'm pretty sure you can send in videos to
pass the tests. I'm assuming you'd have to be in the fram the whole
time to avoid editing and cheating. Good luck. Where in Australia do
you live?


andrew_carter -

andrew_carter (at) mail (dot) com
New photos added 28/03 -
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I'm in Ballarat, Victoria. The IUF website says;

To formally achieve a skill level a rider must pass a skill level exam
with an authorized examiner. Examiners are authorized by the IUF, the
USA or other connected unicycling organizations. If no authorized
examiner is available, riders can send a video tape, with no edits per
level, to an authorized examiner in their country, or to the IUF Skill
Levels and Rules Committee. Videos must clearly show all the necessary
details of each skill.

So I guess a video can be sent to them. Presumably the video has to
been in an appropriate format?

fattyjules's Profile:
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On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 22:10:58 -0500, "fattyjules" wrote:

>To formally achieve a skill level a rider must pass a skill level exam
>with an authorized examiner.

I think level 1 u/i 4 are exempt from that requirement (in that you
can have 'anyone' judge it), but I'm not sure how I know that. Since
you (fattyjules) are working at level 5 it doesn't matter for you

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
Clearly a system of 1/14 and 1/16 is not decimal - Mikefule on the English weight system
Are you a member of the Australian Unicycle Society?

Contact the AUS and you may be able to track down the level tester
closest to you.

Also, if you are going to Darwin for the 2005 unicycle national
championships, you will be able to be level tested then (if you can wait
that long!)

Good luck.


deb - from Australia
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I'd better introduced myself. Fattyjules, I'm David Mason from Toronto
NSW Lake Macquarie Australia. I will be on at home one day but at the
moment, I'm at the Salvation Army Community Center where I"m using their
computers and I'm doing Volunteer Work for them as a Office Assistance.
Hopefully I will be in future be a Soldier for the Salvation Army. I'm
heavily invovled with the church service and most work with the
Salvation Army where possible. I ride unicycle but I don't use the skill
levels like you.
Feel free to PM me when ever I will logged on at times. Best ones to PM
me is Tuesdays, Wednesdays Nights and Thursdays Only.
Goodluck and well keep in touch one day.


djm - David John Mason
-David J. Mason-
I'm Coming Back Earlier, Very Shortly by now, Yippppeeeee. Volunter
Working with the Salvation Army.

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