Are you kidding me, do you actually need to be told that drinking water during a ride is essential, even if youre stuck in traffic, or is this some kind of joke? Newsflash, your body doesnt care if youre moving at a snails pace or flying down a mountain, its still going to lose water and electrolytes, and if you dont replenish them, youre going to end up a dehydrated, crampy mess.
I mean, come on, do you know how many times Ive seen riders stuck in traffic, sweating bullets, and refusing to drink because theyre not going fast enough or dont want to waste water? Its like, what are you even doing? Do you think the laws of thermodynamics somehow dont apply to you just because youre not moving at a certain speed?
And dont even get me started on the whole Ill just drink when I get to the next stop mentality. Are you serious? Do you know how quickly dehydration can set in, especially in hot weather or high-intensity efforts? By the time you get to that next stop, you could already be severely dehydrated, and no amount of water is! going to magically fix that.
So heres the question: whats the deal with riders who refuse to drink water during a ride, even when theyre stuck in traffic? Is it some kind of macho thing, where they think they can tough it out and somehow prove their superiority? Or is it just plain ignorance, where they genuinely dont understand the importance of hydration, even at low speeds? Whatever the reason, its time to set the record straight: drinking water during a ride is not optional, its essential, no matter what your speed or the traffic conditions.
So, riders, lets get real here: do you drink water during a ride, even when stuck in traffic, or do you somehow think youre above the laws of human physiology? And if you dont drink, why not? Is it lack of knowledge, or just plain stupidity? Lets hear it.
I mean, come on, do you know how many times Ive seen riders stuck in traffic, sweating bullets, and refusing to drink because theyre not going fast enough or dont want to waste water? Its like, what are you even doing? Do you think the laws of thermodynamics somehow dont apply to you just because youre not moving at a certain speed?
And dont even get me started on the whole Ill just drink when I get to the next stop mentality. Are you serious? Do you know how quickly dehydration can set in, especially in hot weather or high-intensity efforts? By the time you get to that next stop, you could already be severely dehydrated, and no amount of water is! going to magically fix that.
So heres the question: whats the deal with riders who refuse to drink water during a ride, even when theyre stuck in traffic? Is it some kind of macho thing, where they think they can tough it out and somehow prove their superiority? Or is it just plain ignorance, where they genuinely dont understand the importance of hydration, even at low speeds? Whatever the reason, its time to set the record straight: drinking water during a ride is not optional, its essential, no matter what your speed or the traffic conditions.
So, riders, lets get real here: do you drink water during a ride, even when stuck in traffic, or do you somehow think youre above the laws of human physiology? And if you dont drink, why not? Is it lack of knowledge, or just plain stupidity? Lets hear it.