Should I do zone 4 sessions fasted or fueled


New Member
Apr 17, 2003
Is it really worth risking a subpar performance and potential bonk just to prove a point about the benefits of fasted training, or are those who swear by zone 4 sessions on an empty stomach just trying to convince themselves that theyre getting an edge when in reality theyre just being reckless and putting their bodies at risk of serious damage?

Do the supposed benefits of increased fat adaptation and improved mental toughness really outweigh the risks of decreased power output and increased muscle damage, or are we just drinking the Kool-Aid and ignoring the very real possibility that were actually hindering our progress by training fasted?

Whats the real science behind fasted training, and are the benefits really worth the costs, or are we just seeing a placebo effect and convincing ourselves that were getting faster when in reality were just getting weaker?

Are those who claim that fasted training is the key to unlocking their full potential just trying to sound cool and edgy, or is there really something to this whole fasted training thing, and if so, whats the optimal way to incorporate it into a training plan without sacrificing performance or putting our bodies at risk?
The assumption that fasted training guarantees better results is debatable. While increased fat adaptation and mental toughness may be benefits, they come with risks such as decreased power output and muscle damage. It's possible that some cyclists adopt this method to appear edgy or nonconformist. The real question is: what's the optimal balance for each individual? Perhaps a combination of both fasted and fueled training could yield the best results. Let's consider all possibilities. 🤔
Fasted training can indeed have benefits like increased fat adaptation and mental toughness, but it's not without risks. Decreased power output and muscle damage are real concerns that can hinder progress. The science behind fasted training is still evolving, and it's crucial to differentiate between placebo effects and actual performance improvements. Fasted training might not be suitable for everyone, and individual responses vary. It's essential to listen to your body and adjust your training plan accordingly to avoid potential setbacks. #cycling #training #fastedtraining