Seminar: Bicycling Empowerment Network Namibia



ATA Seminar: Bicycling Empowerment Network Namibia
When: Tuesday, 20th May, 2008
Time: 6:15pm onwards for a 6:30pm start
Where: The Banking Chamber theatrette, Ground Floor, KPMG, 147 Collins
St, Melbourne. Disabled access via 161 Collins St.
Refreshments: available after the presentation
Free event however RSVPs essential as seats are limited. See below for
contact details. Former ReNew editor, Michael Linke, is visiting
Melbourne to talk about his work with Bicycling Empowerment Network
(BEN) Namibia, one of the largest bicycle initiatives providing
mobility to health workers in Africa. Three years ago Michael found
himself in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, with his backpack and a
set of bicycle tools. Come along and hear how BEN Namibia got started
and how its community initiatives are progressing.

To date BEN Namibia has distributed over 4,000 bicycles, trained more
than 100 bicycle mechanics, established eight community-run bicycle
workshops throughout the country, designed and distributed more than
70 bicycle ambulances, started a cycling team promoting HIV awareness
and is engaged in improving cycling infrastructure in the capital. For
more info go to

ATA advocates on behalf of its members who are making sustainable
choices in their own homes and who benefit from the experience of
others in the ATA network. ATA publishes ReNew: technology for a
sustainable future, and Sanctuary: sustainable living with style
magazines which are read by over 100,000 people across Australia.
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ATA - Alternative Technology Association
A not-for-profit organisation promoting renewable energy, sustainable
building and water conservation since 1980.
ABN: 57 533 056 318

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