Seattle to Boston


New Member
Jan 15, 2004
I'm planning a bike trip Seattle to Boston for the upcoming summer with some friends. Can anyone recommend a resource for finding a route? We're planning on bringing a "sag wagon" and rotating drivers (hopefully each of us drives once a week) so we would look to average 80-100 miles per day. Thanks for your help and ideas! -Scarlet
Originally posted by scarletmb
I'm planning a bike trip Seattle to Boston for the upcoming summer with some friends. Can anyone recommend a resource for finding a route? We're planning on bringing a "sag wagon" and rotating drivers (hopefully each of us drives once a week) so we would look to average 80-100 miles per day. Thanks for your help and ideas! -Scarlet

1. Have you considered the Adventure Cycling maps?

2. If you come through the Springfield MA area, I can provide assistance in getting you to local stores / motels / bike shops.

Originally posted by scarletmb
I'm planning a bike trip Seattle to Boston for the upcoming summer with some friends. Can anyone recommend a resource for finding a route? We're planning on bringing a "sag wagon" and rotating drivers (hopefully each of us drives once a week) so we would look to average 80-100 miles per day. Thanks for your help and ideas! -Scarlet

Close to your desired route at Adventure Cycling at URL:
As a WA State resident I recomend Hwy 20, AKA the North Cascade Hwy for the WA part of your trip. It's the most scenic route across the state.
