[email protected] (scott) wrote in message news:<
[email protected]>...
> > > Did anyone here go to Santa Cruz? If so, will you give a report? Did
> > > 42 year old Gavin Chilcott really win the P12 race, after a 15 year
> > > retirement? How was the 35+?
> Hard race. Chilcott blasted by McCook for the Vee. Bona-fide stud for
> any age. If you don't recognize the name, go to the history books
> circa early 80s.
Thanks for the report Scott and Casey.
I raced with Gavin as a junior (as did Casey I'm sure) and am aware of
his accomplishments in the 1980s. I talked to him before Sea Otter and
the scary thing is that he says he's not even fit yet! The fact that
he has now come back after such a long layoff reaffirms my belief that
bike racing is an affliction (infection?) that never really goes away,
even after being dormant for a long time ...kind of like herpes.
Anyway, seeing him got me thinking about who are the most notable
riders--men or women, road, track, cx, or MTB--to come out of Northern
California in modern (?) times. IMO LeMond tops any list. Who else?
Bob Roll, George Mount, Jacque Boyer (who also raced Sea Otter masters
btw)? Should Chilcott and McKinley be on the list? Opinions?