Are saddle sores and chronic discomfort an inevitable part of cycling, or are they simply a sign of poor bike fit, inadequate training, and subpar equipment? It seems like every discussion about saddle sores devolves into a debate about the best creams, gels, and saddles, but what about the underlying causes? Is it possible that our obsession with finding the perfect saddle and chamois is just a Band-Aid solution to a more fundamental problem? Shouldnt we be focusing on developing the strength, flexibility, and endurance to ride comfortably, rather than relying on gimmicks and gadgets to alleviate our suffering? And what about the long-term effects of chronic discomfort on our bodies? Are we setting ourselves up for a lifetime of pain and injury by ignoring the root causes of saddle sores? Can anyone explain why it seems like every pro cyclist has a different solution to this problem, and yet we amateur cyclists are still stuck in the dark ages of saddle sore treatment? Is it really just a matter of toughening up and getting used to the pain, or is there a better way?