RR new blood


small change

I have taken not one, not two but THREE newbies out this week! All gals too
but please refer back to AMB FAQ 1.3.8
Tuffgrrl and I met out at Riverside on weds, each with a newbie in tow. RS
is a great place to learn: this is where I put in my miles just trying to
keep both the Kamikazes in my line of sight. It's mostly easy flat single
track, mixed up with double track. The "technical" items are easily
attainable once you have some skills. One of the gals is very fit, and the
other one has some dirt bike experience. In many ways, the ride is
predictable: when you know the trail SO well you can forewarn as to what
sections might want to be walked. But, neither Tuffgrrl nor I want to
really wear the coaching hat unless asked. Fun ride but slow, and every one
wants to go again.

My pal Kamikaze #1 had taken out a beginner the same day, different time,
constrained by a kindergarten time frame. I knew this gal; she's
progressed from spinning to road biking and now to mountain biking. I called
her up and let her know about some of the rides that we do. I took her (the
beginner) out this morning, and oh my, did she have fun. K#1 had said, she's
very fit, just new at this. Every time I looked over my shoulder on a climb
she was right there! Even on 1/2 mile hill which usually kills most
beginners. She wanted to hear all about camp, and is all "tell me
everything you know"! I know better than to do that, but we reviewed body
position, looking down the trail, trail ettiquette and a little bit about
braking. She kept saying, "This is so much fun, I can't wait to go again".
This is a very good sign. Also, she's in good enough shape that I didn't
need to alter the pace much ( I like that)

Plus it's gorgeous indian summer.. wamm and colorful. ;-)
On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 12:40:03 -0700, "small change"
<[email protected]> wrote:

[snip good stuff]
>Plus it's gorgeous indian summer.. wamm and colorful. ;-)



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