RR: Giving blood in "Costa Rica"

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Carla A-G

Okay, so it wasn't really Costa Rica. It was only Bethpage, but it felt like Costa Rica. The weather
was very humid and damp. The ground was moist from the dampness in the air. The trail was covered in
fog. We decided to do a night ride. The lights were casting strange shadows as they cut through the
fog in the tight singletrack. We rode at a good pace, the trail was void of any other riders.

At point we scared the bejeezus out of a couple of teenage boys who were walking the fireroad
section of the trail. We came flying down the section and didn't see them until the last second.
They jumped when they saw the blaring lights approaching them, probably thought we were cops.

It was becoming more difficult to see as the fog thickened. It was becoming more difficult to
breathe as the humidity increased in the air.

Coming down the last section of the loop, a downhill section, my front wheel washed out at the
bottom sandy section. I crashed into some woody brush on the left side of the trail and down I went.
I felt a sensational stinging pain above my left knee. I lay there for a minute as Jim checked my
bodily damage. The pain became stronger. I heard him say "oh ****, this is bad", I didn't want to
look. I sat up, and looked. There was a 4" deep gash above my left knee. I had been stabbed by a
branch. It was bleeding like a stuck pig and instantly swelled up. Jim poured water from his
camelbak to clean out the dirt and grit. I screamed in agony, I am such a wimp. After a few minutes,
I stood up. My knee looked like a bloody, swollen potato. It kept on bleeding down my leg.

I did the once over on my bike to check if everything was ok. I noticed that the rear wheel was
locked. I looked at it closer and noticed that I had bent the disc caliper inwards probably after I
had landed on that side of the bike after the crash. Jim pulled out his multi-tool and removed the
rear caliper. This would allow me to ride out of the woods and back to where we had parked the van.
I slowly mounted the bike and we rode back.

- CA-G yet another scar for the collection...

Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!
Carla says:

>Okay, so it wasn't really Costa Rica. It was only Bethpage, but it felt like Costa Rica.

Sounds like Jamestown ;-)

<snip hurtie stuff>

>I slowly mounted the bike and we rode back.

What, no photos? Sheesh - you guys are slipping (pun not intended....)

Hope it heals soon, and well (that being the most important)

I slowly mounted the bike and we rode back.
>- CA-G yet another scar for the collection...
>Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!

Come on HE made YOU mount the bike??

Barn Barn
"Barn Barn" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> I slowly mounted the bike and we rode back.
> >
> >- CA-G yet another scar for the collection...
> >
> >Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!
> >
> >
> Come on HE made YOU mount the bike??
> Barn Barn

Nice constructive criticism...

- CA-G

Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!
"Carla A-G" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]... <snip>
> There was a 4" deep gash above my left knee. I had been stabbed by a branch. It was bleeding
> like a stuck
> and instantly swelled up. Jim poured water from his camelbak to clean out the dirt and grit. I
> screamed in agony, I am such a wimp. After a few minutes, I stood up. My knee looked like a
> bloody, swollen potato. It kept on bleeding down my leg.

Ouch! I know with my recent bicep puncture those kinds of thing really hurt. Yours sounds much worse
than mine and mine sure made my eyes water when I was pulling it out! (and I have a high pain

Hope you heal up quickly and don't get infected. Sounds like it bled nicely, so that should help
flush it out.

"Carla A-G" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
<snip John Carpenter's "The Fog" and proceed to "ouch">
> There was a 4" deep gash above my left knee.

Tell me, would armor have prevented that, or would it have happened anyways?

On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:29:11 -0400, "Carla A-G" <[email protected]> wrote: [snip it could only
happened to Carla]

>- CA-G yet another scar for the collection...
>Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!

You're one tough mama! Hope you and Jim are able to ride again soon.

Heal fast.

Peace, Bill

The mind serves properly as a window glass rather than as a reflector, that is, the mind should give
an immediate view instead of an interpretation of the world.
"Carla A-G" <[email protected]> wrote
> There was a 4" deep gash above my left knee.

Carla, if we've told you once, we've told you a thousand times. Quit stabbing branches in your leg!!

"JD" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...

> Tell me, would armor have prevented that, or would it have happened

Actually, armor would have prevented it, too bad it happened when I was xc riding and not DHing when
I had plastic protection...

- CA-G

Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!
"Bill Wheeler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:29:11 -0400, "Carla A-G" <[email protected]> wrote: [snip it could
> only happened to Carla]
> >- CA-G yet another scar for the collection...
> >
> >Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!
> >
> You're one tough mama! Hope you and Jim are able to ride again soon.
> Heal fast.

It won't stop me. The knee is still swollen and stiff. Another day of icing and it will be fine. At
least the bleeding stopped. We're doing another ride tomorrow night...

- CA-G healing? what the hell is healing...

Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!
"Corvus Corvax" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Carla A-G" <[email protected]> wrote
> >
> > There was a 4" deep gash above my left knee.
> Carla, if we've told you once, we've told you a thousand times. Quit stabbing branches in
> your leg!!
> CC

I can't help it. I enjoy the pain :)

- CA-G

Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!
"Carla A-G" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> "Bill Wheeler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > You're one tough mama! Hope you and Jim are able to ride again soon.
> >
> > Heal fast.
> It won't stop me. The knee is still swollen and stiff. Another day of
> and it will be fine. At least the bleeding stopped. We're doing another
> tomorrow night...

That's our (Can-Am) girl!

It's like when I took a BAD fall at Daley Ranch one time -- nasty deep gash on left arm (among other
ouchies) -- then rode San Juan Trail the very next day (with a ****-poor gauze bandage barely
covering the bleedy bits).

Partners were like, "How can you ride hurt like that?"

I was like, "Hell, it'll hurt just as much laying in bed so I might as well have fun."

Of course, that was BEFORE I started hitting thorny bushes on way up the trail...

Macho Crybaby Bill
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