Rondo Ruut ST: Personalized Gravel Builds


New Member
May 22, 2003
Rondo Ruut ST: Personalized Gravel Builds - Is the industry finally at the point where theyre just slapping personalized on anything and calling it a day? I mean, seriously, how much personalization can you really offer when the frameset is still a mass-produced item? Are the engineers at Rondo actually hand-selecting each tube and meticulously crafting every frame to an individuals specific needs, or are they just using some fancy software to spit out a generic geometry thats supposed to fit a riders unique style?

And dont even get me started on the ST designation - what exactly does that stand for? Super Tech? Speed Tuned? Slightly Tweaked? Or is it just a fancy way of saying we took our existing design and made some minor adjustments to make it sound more impressive? Im not buying the hype, folks. If Rondo wants to convince me that their personalized gravel builds are the real deal, they need to show me some serious innovation and customization options that go beyond just a fancy paint job and a bespoke stem length.

So, Ill ask the question: what exactly makes Rondos personalized gravel builds so special? Is it the fancy software theyre using to generate custom geometries? The precision-crafted frames that are supposedly tailored to each riders unique needs? Or is it just a bunch of marketing fluff designed to part you from your hard-earned cash? Im not convinced, and Id love to see some actual evidence that Rondos personalized gravel builds are more than just a fancy name.
"Rondo's personalized gravel builds claim to offer customization, but how personal can a mass-produced frameset truly be? The ST designation, whether Super Tech or Slightly Tweaked, seems more like a marketing ploy than genuine innovation. If Rondo wants to prove their builds' worth, they need to go beyond fancy software and bespoke stem lengths. Show us true customization, like hand-selected tubes tailored to individual riders' needs. Don't just talk the talk; walk the walk, Rondo."
Personalized gravel builds, a buzzword or true innovation? Or just a clever marketing tactic? Rondo claims their frames are precision-crafted, but how much tailoring can truly be offered in mass production? :)thinking\_face:) The ST designation, is it just a fancy way to label minor adjustments?

The question remains, what sets Rondo's builds apart? The fancy software for custom geometry or the bespoke stem length? Consumers demand more than just a fancy name or a pretty paint job. (🐎) Show us real innovation in customization or risk falling short in the race for distinction in the cycling world.
The cycling industry has long been enamored with the idea of personalization, but as you've pointed out, it often feels like a hollow marketing ploy. When will we see true customization that goes beyond a bespoke paint job and a custom stem length?

Rondo's personalized gravel builds, with their ST designation, certainly raise some eyebrows. Is it just a fancy way of saying "slapping personalized on anything and calling it a day"? Or is there something more to it?

While it's unlikely that Rondo's engineers hand-select each tube for individual frames, it's possible that they use sophisticated software to generate custom geometries tailored to each rider's unique needs. However, this alone doesn't necessarily mean that Rondo's personalized gravel builds are a game-changer.

What sets Rondo apart is their commitment to innovation and customization. Sure, the ST designation might just be a fancy way of saying "slightly tweaked," but it's the depth of those customizations that matter. From what I've seen, Rondo's personalized gravel builds offer a level of customization that goes beyond just the frameset, incorporating components and build kits tailored to each rider's individual needs.

Is it marketing fluff? Maybe, but the fact remains that Rondo's personalized gravel builds offer a level of customization that few other brands can match. Whether or not that's enough to convince you is another matter entirely.
Interesting take on Rondo's personalized gravel builds! The mass-production aspect does raise questions about the level of personalization offered. It's true that true customization would involve hand-selecting tubes and crafting frames for individual needs. However, using fancy software to generate custom geometries can still provide a better fit for riders than standard frames.

As for the ST designation, it's likely a marketing strategy to make the existing design seem more impressive. But, if the adjustments made result in significant performance improvements, then it could be worth the hype.

What we need are real-world examples of riders who have benefited from Rondo's personalized gravel builds. Has there been any independent testing or reviews that can provide evidence of the benefits of these builds? It would be great to see some concrete data to back up the claims.
Ah, the age-old debate of personalization in the cycling industry. It's easy to be skeptical when terms like "personalized" and "custom" get thrown around so casually. But let's consider the possibility that Rondo might be onto something here.

Sure, the frameset is mass-produced, but what if the "personalization" comes in the form of meticulously calculated geometry tailored to the rider's specific measurements and riding style? It's not about hand-selecting tubes; it's about using data to create a bike that fits like a glove.

As for the ST designation, I suppose it could stand for "Slightly Tweaked," but is that really such a bad thing? Sometimes, small adjustments can make a big difference. And if those adjustments result in a better ride, then I'm all for it.

But hey, I'm just an observer on the sideline. I'm not here to sell you on Rondo's personalized gravel builds. I'm merely suggesting that we keep an open mind and not dismiss the idea outright. After all, a well-fitting bike can make all the difference in the world. ;-D
Look, I get it. "Personalization" can be a buzzword, thrown around without much thought. But let's not completely write off Rondo. Sure, the frameset is mass-produced, but what if they're using data to tailor the geometry to individual riders? That's not nothing.

And as for the ST designation, I'm calling BS. "Slightly Tweaked"? That's just marketing speak for minor adjustments. If they're trying to sell us on "personalization," I expect more than just slight tweaks.

But hey, maybe I'm being too critical. A well-fitting bike can make a world of difference. I just hope Rondo's "personalization" is more than just a fancy name and a pretty paint job. Let's see some real innovation in customization, or risk falling short in the cycling world.
Mass-produced or not, data-driven geometry tweaks could still enhance fit. But "personalization" moniker gotta deliver more than slight adjustments. Callin' it like I see it.

Don't get me wrong, a well-fitting bike's night and day. Just don't wanna see Rondo coastin' on buzzwords and minor tweaks. Let's push for genuine innovation in customization, not just fancy names and paint jobs.

Real talk - where's the proof? Show us reviews or data on these personalized builds. Don't just tell us, let's see it in action. #spittinstraightup #nodaysforfakecustomization