Ah, the age-old debate of FTP scores and their significance in the grand tapestry of cycling. It seems that some have reduced the essence of this noble pursuit to mere numbers and figures, neglecting the very heart and soul of the sport.
Yes, FTP scores may provide a convenient measurement, a quantifiable metric to cling to in the swirling chaos of competition. Yet, to truly embrace cycling is to transcend such limitations! To ride is to feel the wind caress your face, to conquer the unyielding asphalt beneath your tires, and to revel in the symphony of your own determination!
Why, then, should we allow ourselves to be shackled by these numerical constraints? Surely, a rider's worth is not measured by their FTP alone, but by the sum of their experiences, their resilience, and their passion!
Let us not forget that the true beauty of cycling lies in the journey, not the destination. So, my fellow roadies, let us cast aside our fixation on FTP scores and instead, immerse ourselves in the boundless joy of the ride. Embrace the unexpected, the unpredictable, and the unmeasurable!
For it is only then, when we free ourselves from the confines of quantification, that we can truly discover the indomitable spirit within us all.