Road cycling tips for a new rider?


New Member
May 13, 2013
Just wanted to know if any of you more experienced riders had tips for a new road biker. Perhaps some things you wish someone had told you earlier. The area I live in has a ton of bike trails and roads are all generally flat if that helps.
good question, i would say to hang out with your cycling buddies instead of your college buddies, people outside the sport won't understand why you spend so much time on your bycicle, that would be my advice and something i had wish to understand earlier on,
Originally Posted by vspa .

good question, i would say to hang out with your cycling buddies instead of your college buddies, people outside the sport won't understand why you spend so much time on your bycicle, that would be my advice and something i had wish to understand earlier on,

Find a group to ride with. Your first rides will be an education like no other.
Be very careful on bike paths or mutli use paths. They can be much more dangerous than riding on a road. You can't normally train well on a MUP because it's not safe enough to ride at speed. Practice looking in back of you so you can glance back without swerving. A mirror is fine but it's also good to be able to glance back. Be sure you can repair your own flat. 100% sure and carry the tools needed. Look up High Intensity Interval Training. You can gain fitness in a shorter time if you're willing to suffer. Pay attention to drinking/snacking when you're out for more than an hour or so. Be very careful of young kids. Expect them to turn right in front of you at any second. They can be TOTALLY oblivious.
Originally Posted by digibud .

Be very careful of young kids. Expect them to turn right in front of you at any second. They can be TOTALLY oblivious.
Amen, I had one of those "little" ones trying to crash me the other day. It saw me comming from the oposite direction and it literaly aimed at me and started cycling towards me. It did it in purpose, how their mind works I wonder.

Plus they are totally unreliable on the road. Check how fast they are going and stay at a safe distance for events from a random total stop to a pointless zig-zag or a crash. They usually crash every 500meters... /img/vbsmilies/smilies/biggrin.gif