Riding the 8 foot and 8 foot zigzag for the first time! fun...fun...fun



WHOOOOOOooooo!! today i rode the 8 foot and the 8 foot zigzag for the
first time

it was so much fun.....it was hard to get up and it was scary cause i
had to hold on to somthing dusty so it was slippery...lol....so when i
got up...someone held up a pole and offered it to me(this was one the 8
foot)and i said no i got it and rode off....

then i got up on the 8 foot zigzag....wow....i got up and it wasnt as
bad as getting up on the regular 8 foot.....then i rode off on that one

I am such a natural at heights.........

I had so much fun today and i engourage other people to try these cool



LiLpunk2012's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/14243
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wowunigirl wrote:
> _
> /
> \
> /
> O
> It looks sorta like that ..... i will try to get a picture by sunday
> Basically it is an eight foot giraffe that is zigzaged it is F~U~N!

I've seen one it goes seat, down, cranks, down, left 3-4 ft, down,

skilewis74's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12404
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skilewis74 wrote:
> I've seen one it goes seat, down, cranks, down, left 3-4 ft, down, wheel

Sounds like Peter Rosendahl's "sideways giraffe." That's what I call
it, not sure what he calls it. Never seen it in person, but it would be
cool, especially in a spin!

Please post pictures of your zig-zag. Where are you?


John Foss
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com" -- www.unicycling.com

"pretty much every trail that we've done on the California or Moab Muni
weekends is an XC trail." -- Kris Holm, on XC from a North Shore point
of view
johnfoss's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/832
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johnfoss wrote:
> Sounds like Peter Rosendahl's "sideways giraffe." That's what I call it,
> not sure what he calls it. Never seen it in person, but it would be
> cool, especially in a spin!
> Please post pictures of your zig-zag. Where are you?

I believe I've seen that, or at least something just like that. I saw
it on someone's website, don't remember who's. Must be a massive pain
to make them.

SNES350's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12624
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johnfoss wrote:
> Sounds like Peter Rosendahl's "sideways giraffe." That's what I call it,
> not sure what he calls it. Never seen it in person, but it would be
> cool, especially in a spin!
> Please post pictures of your zig-zag. Where are you?

the crab cycle?


email: mornish AT gmail DOT com

maxcarriere wrote:
> nah, he just wants to buy the cranks to look at them and rub them on his
> body..

If one hop is a gift, it must be christmas when I ride!
mornish's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11658
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The crab cycle doesn't have any zig-zag. It's just a gearbox on an
otherwise fairly ordinary giraffe. Peter Rosendahl's frame goes down a
little below the pedals, makes a hard right turn for a couple of feet,
then a hard left again taking it down to the wheel. "Normal" zig-zag
giraffes are bent to the front & rear, like that piece of ASCII art

I taught him the kick-up mount.


John Foss
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com" -- www.unicycling.com

"pretty much every trail that we've done on the California or Moab Muni
weekends is an XC trail." -- Kris Holm, on XC from a North Shore point
of view
johnfoss's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/832
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/57232
johnfoss wrote:
> The crab cycle doesn't have any zig-zag. It's just a gearbox on an
> otherwise fairly ordinary giraffe. Peter Rosendahl's frame goes down a
> little below the pedals, makes a hard right turn for a couple of feet,
> then a hard left again taking it down to the wheel. "Normal" zig-zag
> giraffes are bent to the front & rear, like that piece of ASCII art
> above.
> http://www.peter-rosendahl.eu/de-start.htm
> I taught him the kick-up mount.

i think he means thats what the sideways giraffe is, a crabcycle. but i
could be wrong


juggle508 wrote:
> I now know why Tomsey is so good at backs. And why Shaun owns at normal
> flips.
> It has to do with the gravitational pull. Like how the toilet flushes
> in the opposite direction down there. Well its easier down there to
> flip backwards then forwards. KH.

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The.Mars.Volta's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/13719
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In our club, we call Dave Bagley's uni the Crabcycle. He had it built by
Tommi Miller. It has a gearbox that converts his pedaling 90 degrees so
that he pedals forward but it rides sideways. The wheel is set 90
perpendicular to the seat.

In great detail (plus photos): http://www.tux.org/~bagleyd/crab.html

|Filename: yellowcrab.jpg |
|Download: http://www.unicyclist.com/attachment/17583 |


Dictator for Life,

Check out my blog (or else):
David_Stone's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3834
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one wheely wrote:
> 3 months is a fair while to learn...
> Looks pretty cool...very confusing :)

You think that's confusing....:D :D Try riding these..

|Filename: crabcycle.jpg |
|Download: http://www.unicyclist.com/attachment/17588 |


If you fail at unicycling or unicycle tricks, try again, when you try
again. You will never fail.
Hazmat's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/13828
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Yeah im still looking for a real picture....

And John i live in Bowling Green Ohio and i am part of the Wow one
wheelers group(Wow)

Our club is falling apart right now and we only have 3 people that are
past level five.....but there are only like 10 people that actually try
to pass levels...... Jan our club leader is getting cranky and we are
loosing people also the only advertisement we have for our club is a
one by one ad in the newspaper in December .....sad huh

Well my friend April is borrowing the eight foot and eight foor zigzag
from a past wow member that does not use them anymore.......

I hope someday one of us can but them off of the person

And if anybody has any way to help our club please tell me!

It is sad how we are falling apart....i read somewhere that we used to
be the best around and that we had 150+ members and i dont want to let
the club fall apart anymore.............thankz


LiLpunk2012's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/14243
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I saw this crazy mad perfomer ride a very tall jig-zag girraffe as part
of his performance at the Brighton Fringe Festival. In the unicycle
part, he was balancing a full glass of water on top of his head, idling
the 8-foot tall unicycle and juggling three metal baseball bats. It was
rather impressive.

He did a lot of other good stuff too. I wish I knew his name.


Did you know that lighter flame smells like burnt nose
hair?entropy isn't what it used to be.
ivan's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12759
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Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
johnfoss wrote:
> Sounds like Peter Rosendahl's "sideways giraffe." That's what I call it,
> not sure what he calls it. Never seen it in person, but it would be
> cool, especially in a spin!

For people who don't like links:
[image: http://www.peter-rosendahl.eu/grafiken/b6.jpg]

John, have you updated your page on weird unicycles lately?


'The GreyMatter Jugglers' (http://www.greymatterjugglers.com) | 'Team
RoadShow' (http://www.teamroadshow.com) | 'Unexpected Failure
Productions' (http://www.unexpectedfailure.com) | 'Moab'
Seager's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/8840
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Seager wrote:
> [image: http://www.peter-rosendahl.eu/grafiken/b6.jpg]

wow, that looks hard! I had in idea to make something like that, but
there was another seat on the other side, so it was a 2 person giraffe!
It looked very complicated though.



Getting ready for the summer holidays!
1-wheeled-grape's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/15877
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