Intervals, schm intervals. Yeah, sure, they might make you feel like a superstar, but who needs that when you can grit your teeth and suffer in silence on those hills? As for strength training, upper body? Pfft. Who needs it when you've got legs that can pedal for days?
But hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should turn into a couch potato. Cross-training can be a blast, but if you're not careful, it's easy to go overboard and derail your training. Gotta keep those legs fresh, after all.
Recovery, though? Meh. Who needs it? I mean, you're a cycling ninja, right? You can power through anything. But if you insist on fitting it into your grand scheme of pedal-pushing madness, I guess you could try yoga or meditation. Or, you know, just take a nap.
And balancing all this? Pfft. Like I said, you're a cycling ninja. You don't need to balance anything. Just pedal on, business as usual. And if you feel the hint of an injury or burnout, well, that's just weakness leaving the body.
So, go ahead, keep on keeping on. I'll be here, sipping my coffee and watching from the sideline.