Redmond sea salt vs Celtic, what the diff in benefit?



I have read about both Redmond realsalt (from Utah) and Celtic sea salt from Brittany. Does one have
more minerals then the other. Is one more beneficial then the other? What about the sea salt I see
at the grocery store made is Sicily (it very cheap compared to the first two). On the label mentions
that it has no additives.

btw: it is not a post to try to stir up the controversial topic of weather salt is good or
bad for you.
lbbs wrote:

> I have read about both Redmond realsalt (from Utah) and Celtic sea salt from Brittany. Does one
> have more minerals then the other. Is one more beneficial then the other? What about the sea salt
> I see at the grocery store made is Sicily (it very cheap compared to the first two). On the label
> mentions that it has no additives.
> btw: it is not a post to try to stir up the controversial topic of weather salt is good or bad
> for you.

Red-SEA salt and rock salt from Utah and Idaho ( and elsewhere) are best. B-ob1
lbbs wrote:

> I have read about both Redmond realsalt (from Utah) and Celtic sea salt from Brittany. Does one
> have more minerals then the other. Is one more beneficial then the other? What about the sea salt
> I see at the grocery store made is Sicily (it very cheap compared to the first two). On the label
> mentions that it has no additives.
> btw: it is not a post to try to stir up the controversial topic of weather salt is good or bad
> for you.

Salt is a necessity but it MUST have IODINE to be worthy of health. The peoples of south Asia
and elsewhere suffer from deaf/dumbness from a lack of IODINE in their salt! REAL salt is
fine..but by ONLY the iodized kind. B-0b1
"Robert McCarty" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> >
> Salt is a necessity but it MUST have IODINE to be worthy of health.
> peoples of south Asia and elsewhere suffer from deaf/dumbness from a
> of IODINE in their salt! REAL salt is fine..but by ONLY the iodized
> B-0b1
I realize salt is a basic need for human life, but I have read numerous times that we are getting
too much iodine in the western world, and this is a cause of screwy thyroid, and skin problems
like acne.

Virginia "Forgiveness is easier to obtain than permission."
Can you give your reasoning for that comment or it's just your preference.

"Robert McCarty" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> lbbs wrote:
> > I have read about both Redmond realsalt (from Utah) and Celtic sea salt
> > Brittany. Does one have more minerals then the other. Is one
> > beneficial then the other? What about the sea salt I see at the
> > store made is Sicily (it very cheap compared to the first two). On
> > label mentions that it has no additives.
> >
> > btw: it is not a post to try to stir up the controversial topic of
> > salt is good or bad for you.
> Red-SEA salt and rock salt from Utah and Idaho ( and elsewhere) are
> B-ob1