Whats the point of even wearing socks in hot weather, are the recommended running socks for hot weather just a marketing gimmick to get people to spend more money on something thats essentially useless, or are there actually some real benefits to wearing them, like do they really help with moisture management, or is that just something that sounds good on the packaging, and whats the deal with all the different materials, like merino wool, synthetic fibers, and bamboo, do they actually make a difference or is it just a bunch of hype, and while were at it, whats the best way to determine the right size, because it seems like every brand has a different sizing chart, and dont even get me started on the whole breathability thing, is that just a fancy way of saying theyre made of mesh, and can someone please explain to me why some running socks have all these weird features like arch support and compression zones, do people actually need that kind of support in their socks, or is it just a way to charge more money, and finally, are there any running socks out there that are actually worth the money, or are they all just a waste of time and money.