Realistic time for North Sea route?


New Member
Jul 11, 2003
Hi - I have a chance to take a block of time off work, from mid-May to the end of July. Does anybody know from actual experience whether it is practical to do the North Sea route in this amount of time?

Normally I tour with a recumbent trike (Trice Micro) trailer and camping gear, averaging about 80km per day (though this could be more if necessary) at about 19 to 23km per hour not including stops. I would probably be starting from where I live (SE Norway).

Originally posted by SteveC
Hi - I have a chance to take a block of time off work, from mid-May to the end of July. Does anybody know from actual experience whether it is practical to do the North Sea route in this amount of time?

Normally I tour with a recumbent trike (Trice Micro) trailer and camping gear, averaging about 80km per day (though this could be more if necessary) at about 19 to 23km per hour not including stops. I would probably be starting from where I live (SE Norway).


Hi Steve

My wife and I have considered doing this route following a great tour of Holland this summer. The route through Holland is very well defined and good fun if you go via the islands. We thoguht we would need 12 weeks to do the whole route the most difficult part being the Scotland - Scandinavia route. If you start that way round - i.e. go anti-clockwise - you may do it by end of July

Good lucj to you