Re: Well, you thought YOU'VE heard all the comments?

  • Thread starter one wheeled stallion
  • Start date

We unicyclists can't go getting worked up about what people in passing
pickup trucks say. There are better things for us to do with our time
and mental energy.

That said, I don't want to give the wrong impression that I think
everyone in a pickup is a jerk. But when you get into the subset of
pickup drivers/passengers who lean out the window to yell stuff at total
strangers, the statistics are getting pretty high...

I hadn't heard the Ex Lax one in a while. I think I would have laughed
to hear it from a pickup!

johnfoss - Home of the Garage Page

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
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"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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