Re: Trials Discussion Thread



unibikeling wrote:
> God, i feel like **** at trials today. Maybe its my ankle, maybe its
> cause i slept in, but i couldnt do anything. My back was really stiff,
> and i couldnt land anything nearly as big as i did like 2 or 3 days
> ago. Gah, i should go juice up on some mountain dew, get some
> bugspray, and shew away the stupid bees next to my set.
> God, it pisses me off, i threw one of my obstacles AT a fricken bee. No
> surprise, the crappy box thing broke into like 40 peices, now is
> unuseable. And there are more bees now. I friggen hate this now. I
> might just go take a can of Raid and kill everything in the area.
> I think i might buy a different tire. I was at the skatepark today, on
> a fun box thingy (it was liek a dropin on 3 sides, and then had a box
> rail thing, and a rail on the other side), and i wanted to do like the
> 4ft gap onto the rail, and then ride the rail, but i'm fearing my tires
> just gonna slip like hell, and i'll end up laying on the rail..
> Anyone know what the best tire i should get would be? The most grippy
> tire, no matter what obstacle, rain or shine.
> edit: my SIF sucked today cause my back wasnt bendy. I'm gonna go
> stretch a bit before i go back out.

unibikeling wrote:
> hahaha... Static mind you.
> ah... God, My fricken mom cant just stop making what i do sound stupid.
> She makes trials sound like i'm 3, and i'm a total beginner. "oh lets go
> here, you can hop around on the things and stuff", said in a completely
> stupid manor mind you. Then, shes talking about street like its godly.
> (technical new street), and shes talking about it like its flatlanding.
> She knows nothign about what shes talking about. It just pisses me off.
> This is the second fricken time today shes done this, and made me not
> want to unicycle. I was gonna go fricken stretch and go out and uni,
> but now i just dont feel like it...
> Fricken has to act like trials is way lower than street, and that
> street is way the hell better, and cooler, and that i should get into
> it. Its like, 'F*ck off! I'll ride whatever the F*ck i want'

I find it very hard to believe this kind of attitude is what 661 want
to promote with thier products.

You seem to think that you are doing a great job being sponsored, with
your amazing riding skills and your great attitude but all we get from
you on here is poor videos, loads of BS, you talking rubbish about
things you know nothing about and bad, unnecessary language.


*)---':cool:, 1mHighJump*
my 'pure trials vid' (
my 'Year in vid'
learning 180 or 360 unispins? watch my 'unispin tutorial'
Want to glide? watch my 'ww tutorial'
sp4rky-m4rky's Profile:
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sp4rky-m4rky wrote:
> I find it very hard to believe this kind of attitude is what 661 want to
> promote with thier products.

It may seem vain, but this is partly why I'm buying KH (shinguards and
gloves) and Protec (helmet) gear instead of 661. Their brand seems so
cheap now after seeing the riders they sponsor. If they can afford to
give away so many sponsorships, how much do $40 shinguards really cost
them to make so that they can still turn a profit when they sell them
for only $26 (40% off)?

Back to trials:
The only person I've heard of practicing both hopping directions is
Sponge when he broke his hand/wrist or something and assorted people
who hop differently for SI and SIF. Does anyone practice both ways of
hopping or different stances?


You're schizophrenic? That's crazy!
zfreak220's Profile:
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Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
sp4rky-m4rky wrote:
> I find it very hard to believe this kind of attitude is what 661 want to
> promote with thier products.

It may seem vain, but this is partly why I'm buying KH (shinguards and
gloves) and Protec (helmet) gear instead of 661. Their brand seems so
cheap now after seeing the riders they sponsor. If they can afford to
give away so many sponsorships, how much do $40 shinguards really cost
them to make so that they can still turn a profit when they sell them
for only $26 (40% off)?

Back to trials:
The only person I've heard of practicing both hopping directions is
Sponge when he broke his hand/wrist or something and assorted people
who hop differently for SI and SIF. Does anyone practice both ways of
hopping or different stances?


You're schizophrenic? That's crazy!
zfreak220's Profile:
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Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
sp4rky-m4rky wrote:
> I find it very hard to believe this kind of attitude is what 661 want to
> promote with thier products.

It may seem vain, but this is partly why I'm buying KH (shinguards and
gloves) and Protec (helmet) gear instead of 661. Their brand seems so
cheap now after seeing the riders they sponsor. If they can afford to
give away so many sponsorships, how much do $40 shinguards really cost
them to make so that they can still turn a profit when they sell them
for only $26 (40% off)?

Back to trials:
The only person I've heard of practicing both hopping directions is
Sponge when he broke his hand/wrist or something and assorted people
who hop differently for SI and SIF. Does anyone practice both ways of
hopping or different stances?


You're schizophrenic? That's crazy!
zfreak220's Profile:
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