unibikeling wrote:
> hahaha... Static mind you.
> ah... God, My fricken mom cant just stop making what i do sound stupid.
> She makes trials sound like i'm 3, and i'm a total beginner. "oh lets go
> here, you can hop around on the things and stuff", said in a completely
> stupid manor mind you. Then, shes talking about street like its godly.
> (technical new street), and shes talking about it like its flatlanding.
> She knows nothign about what shes talking about. It just pisses me off.
> This is the second fricken time today shes done this, and made me not
> want to unicycle. I was gonna go fricken stretch and go out and uni,
> but now i just dont feel like it...
> Fricken has to act like trials is way lower than street, and that
> street is way the hell better, and cooler, and that i should get into
> it. Its like, 'F*ck off! I'll ride whatever the F*ck i want'
Men, what's with all the cursing and acting?
Sponsored by www.municycle.com
JJuggle wrote:
> If somebody cloned your mother would you have sex with the clone? I
> should think not.
Danni wrote:
> I don't like having penis written all over my uni .
manon1wheel wrote:
> no offense but deads look plain old gross...
Probailer2's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11034
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/64350
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
> hahaha... Static mind you.
> ah... God, My fricken mom cant just stop making what i do sound stupid.
> She makes trials sound like i'm 3, and i'm a total beginner. "oh lets go
> here, you can hop around on the things and stuff", said in a completely
> stupid manor mind you. Then, shes talking about street like its godly.
> (technical new street), and shes talking about it like its flatlanding.
> She knows nothign about what shes talking about. It just pisses me off.
> This is the second fricken time today shes done this, and made me not
> want to unicycle. I was gonna go fricken stretch and go out and uni,
> but now i just dont feel like it...
> Fricken has to act like trials is way lower than street, and that
> street is way the hell better, and cooler, and that i should get into
> it. Its like, 'F*ck off! I'll ride whatever the F*ck i want'
Men, what's with all the cursing and acting?
Sponsored by www.municycle.com
JJuggle wrote:
> If somebody cloned your mother would you have sex with the clone? I
> should think not.
Danni wrote:
> I don't like having penis written all over my uni .
manon1wheel wrote:
> no offense but deads look plain old gross...
Probailer2's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11034
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/64350
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services