Tony Raven
Simon Brooke wrote on 23/06/2007 11:34 +0100:
> Of course what we don't have is absolute numbers of pedestrian,
> cyclist and 'other' journeys to school, but my impression is that the
> number of children walking or cycling is rising.
> However, these are useful figures to show to anxious parents worried
> about letting little Cesar and Lucretia cycle to school.
It would seem that the statement that in 2005 only one child was killed
cycling to school in the whole of the UK would be sufficient.
"The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there
is no good evidence either way."
- Bertrand Russell
> Of course what we don't have is absolute numbers of pedestrian,
> cyclist and 'other' journeys to school, but my impression is that the
> number of children walking or cycling is rising.
> However, these are useful figures to show to anxious parents worried
> about letting little Cesar and Lucretia cycle to school.
It would seem that the statement that in 2005 only one child was killed
cycling to school in the whole of the UK would be sufficient.
"The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there
is no good evidence either way."
- Bertrand Russell