I set several personal bests this morning
The most important one was swimming 3000 meters (500 more than
previosuly), but also nonstop (500 more than previously) and not only
that, but all of it was crawl! Previously I had to switch to breast
stroke after just 200 meters in order to "breathe", but now I managed
to pace myself and breathe on every third stroke, taking a deep gulp of
air to really fill my lungs, and even more importantly, breathe out
completely and not just partially each time. That is the secret I think
- in order to get as much oxygen as you can.
After about 2200 meters I was even able to start breathing for every
fourth stroke and the last 50 meters I did a sprint, breathing for
every fifth stroke, really feeling the urge for air as my blood levels
of carbon dioxide rose quickly.
On top of this, I managed to jog slowly both ways, not only from home
to the pool, but also all the way back afterwards, cutting the time for
5 km from about 45 minutes to about half an hour - and that while eating
an apple on the way home!
All in all, I pushed my limits way beyond what I thought was possible
at this time in my progress towards getting in better shape. I think
that's just excellent with regard to being able to mentally overcome my
difficulties in unicycling right now, where I need to "lean forward and
ride" as I've read several places as the key to move from standstill to
movement. It's all in your brain (when your muscles have adapted to the
balance thing, anyway).
I'll list my training efforts since 1 May here, to document the
7 May: 2000 meters swimming in 50 minutes - indoor 25m pool
12 May: 10 km running in 67 minutes
22 May: 2500 meters swimming in 51 minutes (2300 nonstop) - indoor 25m
23 May: 2 hours walking
27 May: 10 km running in 63 minutes
29 May: 15 minutes swimming - Oslo fjord - about 15 degrees
31 May: 50 minutes walking
2 June: 2500 minutes swimming in 67 minutes - outdoor 50m pool + 5 km
jog/walk in 45 minutes + Day 1 unicycling - 3 hours
7 June: 4 hours biking
13 June: 2500 meters nonstop swimming in 55 minutes - outdoor 50m pool
(drove the car there)
14 June: Day 2 unicycling - 1,5 hours
17 June: Day 3 unicycling - 2 hours
20 June: Day 4 unicycling - 3 hours (hurt my knee)
24 June: 2000 meters swimming in 47 minutes - outdoor 50m pool + 5 km
jog/walk in 45 minutes
26 June: 3000 meters nonstop crawl swimming in 57 minutes - outdoor 50m
pool + 5 km jog in 30 minutes
This in addition to the regular morning exercise of 50 push-ups and 600
abs crunches. My weight has gone down from 97 kgs on 10 May to 88 kgs
today, with minima at 83 kgs on 3 June (which was the equivalent of 87
kgs since I had no food inside) and 84 kgs on 21 June (probably also on
a rather empty stomach).
So I really feel like I am making progress. I can't really remember
being this fit for more than 10 years Considering that I've been
running 10 km in an hour, I might even consider that my shape is as
good or even better than when I did 30 minute runs of about 5-6 km back
in 1995-1998 as a student, and if so then I have to go back to when I
was 17-18 to beat my current fitness level.
And I ain't gonna stop here
My 'training journal'
My todo list (augustdreamt™): -Assisted mount-ride-idle- / *Ride */ PD
/ Turn / Idle / Hops / Curbs / Uneven ground / 'Mount / Rolling mount
/ Jump mount' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRW7ePkZ_8E) / Side mount
/ Kick-up mount
lillestrøm_uni's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/17152
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/69883
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
The most important one was swimming 3000 meters (500 more than
previosuly), but also nonstop (500 more than previously) and not only
that, but all of it was crawl! Previously I had to switch to breast
stroke after just 200 meters in order to "breathe", but now I managed
to pace myself and breathe on every third stroke, taking a deep gulp of
air to really fill my lungs, and even more importantly, breathe out
completely and not just partially each time. That is the secret I think
- in order to get as much oxygen as you can.
After about 2200 meters I was even able to start breathing for every
fourth stroke and the last 50 meters I did a sprint, breathing for
every fifth stroke, really feeling the urge for air as my blood levels
of carbon dioxide rose quickly.
On top of this, I managed to jog slowly both ways, not only from home
to the pool, but also all the way back afterwards, cutting the time for
5 km from about 45 minutes to about half an hour - and that while eating
an apple on the way home!
All in all, I pushed my limits way beyond what I thought was possible
at this time in my progress towards getting in better shape. I think
that's just excellent with regard to being able to mentally overcome my
difficulties in unicycling right now, where I need to "lean forward and
ride" as I've read several places as the key to move from standstill to
movement. It's all in your brain (when your muscles have adapted to the
balance thing, anyway).
I'll list my training efforts since 1 May here, to document the
7 May: 2000 meters swimming in 50 minutes - indoor 25m pool
12 May: 10 km running in 67 minutes
22 May: 2500 meters swimming in 51 minutes (2300 nonstop) - indoor 25m
23 May: 2 hours walking
27 May: 10 km running in 63 minutes
29 May: 15 minutes swimming - Oslo fjord - about 15 degrees
31 May: 50 minutes walking
2 June: 2500 minutes swimming in 67 minutes - outdoor 50m pool + 5 km
jog/walk in 45 minutes + Day 1 unicycling - 3 hours
7 June: 4 hours biking
13 June: 2500 meters nonstop swimming in 55 minutes - outdoor 50m pool
(drove the car there)
14 June: Day 2 unicycling - 1,5 hours
17 June: Day 3 unicycling - 2 hours
20 June: Day 4 unicycling - 3 hours (hurt my knee)
24 June: 2000 meters swimming in 47 minutes - outdoor 50m pool + 5 km
jog/walk in 45 minutes
26 June: 3000 meters nonstop crawl swimming in 57 minutes - outdoor 50m
pool + 5 km jog in 30 minutes
This in addition to the regular morning exercise of 50 push-ups and 600
abs crunches. My weight has gone down from 97 kgs on 10 May to 88 kgs
today, with minima at 83 kgs on 3 June (which was the equivalent of 87
kgs since I had no food inside) and 84 kgs on 21 June (probably also on
a rather empty stomach).
So I really feel like I am making progress. I can't really remember
being this fit for more than 10 years Considering that I've been
running 10 km in an hour, I might even consider that my shape is as
good or even better than when I did 30 minute runs of about 5-6 km back
in 1995-1998 as a student, and if so then I have to go back to when I
was 17-18 to beat my current fitness level.
And I ain't gonna stop here
My 'training journal'
My todo list (augustdreamt™): -Assisted mount-ride-idle- / *Ride */ PD
/ Turn / Idle / Hops / Curbs / Uneven ground / 'Mount / Rolling mount
/ Jump mount' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRW7ePkZ_8E) / Side mount
/ Kick-up mount
lillestrøm_uni's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/17152
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/69883
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services