Re: RTL: Ranking for non-geared teams



I don't mean to take anything away from you guys because you're
definitely all rock stars, but I think Chuck deserves a bit more

If we assume that the time trial is representative of overall
performance (which it may or may not be), Chuck was a shade over 6%
faster than Tony and you (I just noticed you guys were within' 2
seconds of each other!!!) and over 12% faster than Will.

Of course, all of you were faster than me on my Schlumpf 36, and I
still finished in the top 15%.

GizmoDuck wrote:
> Our guesstimates are that the German team on their 36" Sclumpfs were
> going about 2% faster than us. They were taking out 1-2min on us every
> 1 1/2hrs. Chuck on his 36" Sclumpf was probably going 4-5% faster than
> us.
> For us, Tony was probably slightly faster on the 29" Sclumpf on the
> flats and downhills, Will and I were faster on the mixed terrain, but
> our NZUNI riders were all roughly the same speedwise.


><> Unicycle for (reducing the) Buddha <><

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