Re: RedBull UK 2004



Deb, if you get the chance, DO THE MAYHEM, its an experience. YOu will
feel awfull about half way through but great at the end. If a bit
knackered. This year is a new course, new venue. BUT based on previous
years , expect each lap to be 10-12 miles of mostly single track muni,
with some sections of double track and some wider still. Expect both up
and down hils, some quite steep. each rider in a uni team can expect to
do between 2 and 6 laps during the 24 hours, you have to do 2 to
qualify, the most I did was 4. The tough laps are those in the hottest
part of the day, dusk and pre dawn( really hard to be awake enough at
that time of day.)

The organisers are very happy to have uni teams involved, they think
its good for the spirit of the event. The other MTBers are mostly happy
to have unis there, it gives them someone to beat.The uni teams have a
great co-operative spirit and will love you for joinging in as mixed
teams are allowed 5 riders while single sex teams have only 4.

I think you would be the first Fairy to do the race on a uni, tho not
the first on bike.

I can't do it this year due to work commitments on the Sunday.
Ho HUm, I did it for three years.

sarah.miller - unicycist
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