Re: Frequently Asked Questions


Long time since I have seen or heard from you.
Nice to see your name on the newsgroup.

John Foss and I mentioned your name last week.

I have sent you many e-mails about changing that phone number on that
list as I get people telling me that the phone number doesn't work for
I haven't used that number for about 8 years.
That info is still on the web somewhere.

I have completely new info if you are able to update it. Let me know.


[email protected]

Darren - Bedford Unicycles
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Haven't read the whole thing, but did catch glimpses of a couple of
mentions of OSells Bike Shop as a source for unicycles. Alas, Terry has
retired and his shop in St. Anthony is no more.

weeble - There can be only one... wheel

Another Joe in MN
Level 2 and holding

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generally, but a lot of this information is very outdated i.e. no
references to splined hubs, KH or Yuni unicycles, etc etc.

TheBadger587 - Level 4

Well i Guess not the retarded ones... but how could you even say
something like that? jeez cleveland, there's edgy and then theres
offensive. Good day sir!
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TheBadger587 wrote:
> *generally, but a lot of this information is very outdated i.e. no
> references to splined hubs, KH or Yuni unicycles, etc etc. *

That's because there were no splined hubs (except maybe one on George
Peck's cycle), no Yuni unicycles, no, and no KH (as far as
the rest of the world's unicyclists were concerned). Hard to imagine
such a time!

But that FAQ is a start. Here is an equally outdated one on MUni:

Brett Bymaster assembled it (in 1997), but later turned it over to me.
Someday I hope to improve on it. This newsgroup is great, but stuff is
very hard to find, and you have to rely on the search tool to do any
proper research.

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"I should be wearing a helmet here -- so should you." -- George Peck,
who almost never wears one, in the 1991 video Rough Terrain Unicycling
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