Re: Pondering on a Schlumpf - questions



tomblackwood wrote:
> Reviving this thread as it was the closest "hit" for my search, although
> it doesn't precisely answer the question I have since the thread stopped
> before the KH version of the hub was shipping.
> What are the primary differences between the standard Schlumpf hub and
> the KH Schlumpf hub, OTHER THAN the splined vs. square taper element?
> I want to build me up a speedster. Haven't decided 29 vs 36 yet, but
> don't need to when ordering the hub. Likely will be road only, or
> gravel / fireroads at the roughest. Is there any advantage to buying
> up to the KH?
> Thoughts appreciated from the geartelligentsia.

The KH/Schlumpf hub is wider and stronger.

It will fit KH frames and frames with 42mm bearing holders, which is
infinitely nicer than the Schlumpf frame that you would need with the
old hub. Alternatively you can fit the old std hub in the Nimbus 36
frame with some modification I think, since the hole is already there
for the torque brace or whatever it is called on the std hub.

Most people I have talked to who use or have used the schlumpf frame do
not like it. If you wanted to use the std hub you would either need to
use the schlumpf frame, or have a custom one built.

Another advantage of the new KH/Schlumpf hub is the new buttons. I
have never had any problem with my buttons coming loose on my
kh/schlumpf hub, and they are definitely beefed up from the ones used
on the STD hub. I do not know if Florian has upgraded the buttons on
the STD hub as well though.

The price difference is significant, but when you look at the
advantages, it is well worth being able to use a quality KH frame and
ISIS cranks and have a stronger more up to date hub.

I am thinking about maaaaaybe purchasing another one if I can justify
having two. I want a KH 36 guni now after trying out Chucks, but I
also really like the versatility and size of my KH/Schlumpf 29er.

Hope that helped...


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