Re: Onza

  • Thread starter rogeratunicycledotcom
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gerblefranklin wrote:
> *The onzas in the us are the same as the ones on
> (comes with KH rip-off saddle). just hasn't updated the
> pic. Don't get the onza, the manufacturing standards aren't up to par.
> Wait until September, I hear there's a kick-a** new KH hub and crank
> set coming out that'll be super light, but as strong as, if not
> stronger, than the profiles. I don't have any more info, but I hear
> it's good. *

I don't know how much you all know, but since you know some I can fill
you in a little bit more I guess. The hub is actually a joint
development with Kris, Mike (Onza) and myself. It has moved in several
ways since my visit to Taiwan last month. There are 2 designs at the
moment, one being protyped at the moment, which has a weight similar to
that of a Suzue and Bicycle Euro's but the same strength of the best
splined unit. It should not suffer from spline deteriation due a pinch
bolt system and the flanges/body are also splined so should be more
durable... not perfect and needs testing fully! Kris and myself should
have samples to test within a month. The other option should be lighter
again! with similar cranks but an ISIS! But since this is still on my
drawing board it will be about a month behind for testing and costing
out. Either way we hope to see these on unicycles for September,
although to be realistic, it may be October or even November. Things do
take a long time to get done, unfortunately. :(

ps not sure where you get the idea that Onza's are made to a lower
standard, I found out that it was actually the same welder who built
both frames! The welds just look different because the Onza is lighter
weight CrMO tubing :)

rogeratunicycledotcom - ok ish Unicyclist
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gerblefranklin wrote:
> *
> I was referring to the spline quality. They don't seem as well made as
> KHs and profiles (many reports of play in the hub). I don't care about
> the frame, almost anything will do.
> As for the hub, I didn't know it was a joint effort, but I did know
> the rest. I decided I was not in the place to go transmitting design
> details. If a designer (you, Mike, or Kris) wanted to fill in the
> rest, you could, but if not, the info would still go unsaid.
> I'm wondering, is ISIS a splined -and- tapered spindle? *

The wear in the splines is not a quality issue but a design one - it is
a straight spline with nothing to take up wear when wear occurs other
than the central bolt, so requiring more maintainance - we are designing
this problem out. We are going to use the company that manufactured the
Onza hub, not the one that manufactured the KH because they are the
better manufacturer. The prototype hubs use the splines from the Onza
ISIS uses a combination of a straight and tapered spline, it is
technologically the best option for an crank interface, but.... it is
also the least suitable for unicycles due to the massive shaft size. We
think we have a solution, that will give long lasting bearings and the
ability to fit in to a unicycle frame. (I thought people would like that
last one). :)


rogeratunicycledotcom - ok ish Unicyclist
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If this new hub is a joint operation of nearly all the big affordable
names (, Kris Holm unis and Onza) does this mean that there
won't be seperate unis for each brand when the hubs come out? As surely
the big factor when buying a uni is the hub and if they all have the
same hub and cranks...? Will a new breed of super unicycle take over?

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist

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Lol! By take over I mean the unicycle market- not the universe as we
know it! But seriously, the only major difference after the hub and
cranks is the frame then rim as they have the same saddle, so will Onza
and KH still produce individual machines???

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist

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