I think that Dan Heaton is a perfect example of old school. He never
does crankflips, uses his environment very creatively, and he combines
flatland, with street, in a fluid manor.. In defect, his part is what I
would call, old school..
I think that Old school involves a lot of Plants, Drops, and Hoptwists,
but not many of these things combined in one trick.
New school in my eyes is more of the creative, techy tricks.. Like
Varialflips, Hickflips, Treybackflips, Fifthflips, etc..
As far as environment goes, manny pads, handrails, jumping up sets, and
smaller sets are more commonly used, while being tricked down, though.
The more Techy the tricks get, the easier it is to call it New School.
This is just my oppinion though.. If you Compare Dan heaton in defect,
to Shaun Johanneson now, you can easily see a difference, and will be
able to find the distinction.
'SixSixOne' (SixSixOne.com)
beeper's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/15159
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70700
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does crankflips, uses his environment very creatively, and he combines
flatland, with street, in a fluid manor.. In defect, his part is what I
would call, old school..
I think that Old school involves a lot of Plants, Drops, and Hoptwists,
but not many of these things combined in one trick.
New school in my eyes is more of the creative, techy tricks.. Like
Varialflips, Hickflips, Treybackflips, Fifthflips, etc..
As far as environment goes, manny pads, handrails, jumping up sets, and
smaller sets are more commonly used, while being tricked down, though.
The more Techy the tricks get, the easier it is to call it New School.
This is just my oppinion though.. If you Compare Dan heaton in defect,
to Shaun Johanneson now, you can easily see a difference, and will be
able to find the distinction.
'SixSixOne' (SixSixOne.com)
beeper's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/15159
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70700
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services