Re: New riders how is your progress?



Hey, after riding for a month and a half my progress stopped, because my
unicycle broke. But now it has been 2 weeks more, and this is how I was
2 weeks ago. I made a 16" hop. I can ride with one foot down the street.
I cant idle or ride backwards. I can do pedal grabs on to decent sized
objects, and can jump down, but i never made to to rubber. I did ride a
24" sun, but Im getting a Summit soon. I can ride as far as i really
want without a upd. I havent really tried for distance because i have an
uncomfortable seat. I can do a running mount, right foot mount, left
foot mount, and a mount where i run, and right away i only put my left
foot on the pedals. My right foot goes straight to the crown without
touching the pedals.

gpickett00 - Level 3.7

Bicycle is just a short way of saying unicycle with a training wheel.
'Our unicycling videos' (

gpickett00's Profile:
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Hi One on One,

I’m 35, have a 24” German made unicycle (all I know about it that I
bought it from a market in Germany and it was quite expensive) which I
ride all the time, and a 24” Max Traction back at home a Muni. Have put
KH saddles on both of them. I’ve been riding since November of last
year, and probably have around 40 may be 50 hours in the saddle, and
still consider myself a beginner. So I’m not that far ahead of you. So
what have I learnt so far, free mount almost the same as you 75 percent
and again left foot only. I can ride for miles and miles only UPDing
when I loose concentration or feel tired. I can turn tight circles left
and right, figures of eight 1.5m. Only recently have I been able to
really stop and then start again, and occasionally I can back pedal a
rotation and ride off. Although I took a nasty fall yesterday and scared
myself, luckily I wear elbow protectors and wrist guards along with a
hat so all I did was bounce, not a single injury but I didn’t like it
one dot.

So what am I presently working on? Well I can almost ride backwards
continuously down my training run, (that’s 3 metal container which are
about 5 ft from the wall of a building giving me about 45 ft to ride
along with support either side), but I can’t do it in the open, I just
don’t have the confidence. I can just about ride, hop then ride off but
it’s an on and off affair. I’d really like to idle but I can’t quite get
it, I can feel it work once or twice then I’m falling sideways.

What really made a difference to me was riding lots of circles, both
ways, and more the way I felt intimidated by.

So that’s my position. Suppose it’s six months of work. Good luck, my
email address if [email protected] if you’d like to chat MSN
[email protected]


Huthwaite - <bahhh>
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You're doing terrific gpickett00. I wish that I had started riding when
I was a lot younger, but never really thought about the uni back then.

*"I can ride for miles and miles only UPDing when I loose concentration
or feel tired." Huthwaite*

That's what usually allows me to "work on" my freemounts.

*"Although I took a nasty fall yesterday and scared myself, luckily I
wear elbow protectors and wrist guards along with a hat so all I did was
bounce, not a single injury but I didn’t like it one dot."

Helmet and wristguards for me. I had a fall a couple of weeks ago where
I was riding slowly and just kind of fell off of the seat. I slid down
and landed with my leg wedged between the crank and the spokes.

*"What really made a difference to me was riding lots of circles, both
ways, and more the way I felt intimidated by". Huthwaite*

I will take your advice and work on my circles. Learning to ride
backwards is also next on my agenda.

Thanks, Duane

One on one
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Hmmm, first tried a spare unicycle once a week or so last June. I could
not cross the juggling club's hall until November. Yes, *five months* to
accomplish just that! That goal was achieved the week after I bought my
own unicycle, a 20" freestyle Nimbus X.

I'd say January was when I got the riding forwards and various forms of
turning steady, along with freemounting 75% of the time (only right foot
down). Over the past month or two I'd got idling more-or-less sussed out
(again, only right foot down). The next task may be hopping (but they
say lock your knees and use your ankles, I don't understand how the hell
you hop with your knees locked!).

Also been on two outdoor rides with a couple of other riders at the club
which I find an absolute blast, especially those wheelchair friendly
(and thus unicycle friendly) subway access slopes!

I just wish I had the nerve to ride around more between the weekly
juggling club sessions, doing more than just idling while watching TV in
the lounge. It's no problem riding with two other people in a different
town, but the moment I step out my own front door with unicycle in hand,
I sweat and break out in a panic attack and have to rush back indoors.

gkmac - Shy Nervous Newbie
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I'm 16 and have been unicycling for a month or so. I can ride a fair
distance, but if I loose my concentration (like thinking about how
uncomfortable the seat is!) I have to jump off.

I am working on being able to start without a telephone poll for
support. Also on the list is to be able to ride my brother's 5' giraffe.

I don't have a uni of my own yet, gonna take care of that tonight
hopefully. Looking to get an older schwinn, like the ones my brothers

It's great to hear other's experiences! Thank you all for sharing :)



"Hey, there go the wheelers!"
busnutmedic's Profile:
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I have been riding for 4 months, it took me 2 days to learn to ride as
far as i wanted. I can idle as long as I want I can ride along like 10cm
walls and almost along the rails of train tracks for a bit, I think I
could do that if I didn't have a buckled rim and two bent cranks where
the pedals attach to the crank. I can ride backwards as far as I want, I
could ride one footed for about 15 rotations but gave up after that
because I have a really weak knee and it was causing pain. I did a 3 and
a half foot drop to grass yesterday and imagine I could do one to
concrete aswell. My freestyle unicycle doesn't share the same opinion 3
foot to 3 and a half foot drops have buckled the rim, majorly bent my
cranks where the pedal attaches (my friends hate it when they ride my
unicycle, because theirs isn't skunted) and I'm also bent my seatpost. I
could also probably go higher drops with a fatter tyre, mines like 1.85
or 1.8 inches or whatever a freestyle usually comes with.

Robbie - Spoons Taste Good

There is no spoon.
I ate it.
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This made me think through my abilities. Haven't done that in awhile.
It's good to note progress, no matter the magnitude.

I started riding in October of '03, so I guess I've been at it for about
six months. It originally took me about four days of constant work to
be able to ride forward, steer and freemount reliably.

Over the last six months, I've learned a lot, mostly in spurts where I
spent a couple of days (constant work) focusing on one or two skills. I
tend to get incredibly absorbed in practice - often for hours on end. I
think this is what best accounts for some of my 'rapid' progressions.
Also, I ride the uni to class every day, with a backpack on. Nothing
cements a trick such as one-footed riding better than being able to do
it with a heavy, shifting load on your back.

Mounts (all with either foot forward):
Standard freemount, hop mount (seat in or out), suicide mount, side
kickup mount, one-foot mount (one foot on tire/fork other on pedal and
into forward one-foot ride)...

two-foot forward, one-foot forward (either foot, fully able to do
figure-eights), two-foot backward (did a figure-eight yesterday!),
stairs (max set to date: ~17), idling (one foot, either side),
frontspin/backspin, some seat-out...

Hopping (either foot forward):
seat in sidehops, seat out sidehops (~1.5 feet in height), forward hops
(enough to get over curbs and do 180 degree hop twists), wheel

Working on:
everything (but mostly wheel walking)

I've been riding a 20" summit for about two months. My first unicycle
was a 20" torker, which began having crank problems soon after I started

entropy - life in balance
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Hey everyone,
Ive been riding for nearly 3 months, i dont know how many hours i have
but i ride everyday, this is what i have managed to accomplish: Hopping
(including with 180 spin), riding down stairs, idling, riding backwards,
one leg riding, drops (120cm highest ive bin) and some Muni riding.

munimanpete's Profile:
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I started about the time gpickett00 did - so I have been keeping an eye
on his posts (and others) to measure my own skill. Seems like I have
been working on the opposite skills. I can idle with either foot, ride
backwards "more smoothly than forwards" and most of my time has been
spent on rough-terrain and DISTANCE. I have cranked out over 230 miles.
Oh, and duaner taught me how to work on speed - a needed skill because
everyone here still seems faster than me.

This week, I worked on hopping and can reliably hop up a curb and such.
I currently have no "direction" because I really need to work on
equipment (I have been going through tires rapidly and other issues).

Today, I played Uni-Hockey for the first time - and had a blast!!! I
hope the guys do that more often. I may practice it on my own. AFTER
those games (about 3 miles of actual riding) and after everyone left, I
was able to do a "routine" that I daydreamed of: 5 pedals forward, 5
idle right, 5 pedals forward, 5 idle left, 5 pedals forward, 5 hops, and
then 10 back, and (the hard part today) ride forward again!

I have wondered "why am I unicycling?" What is my direction with the
sport? What is my goal? To impress others? To impress myself? Both? To
ride as well as I do on a mountain b*ke? Make a video? What . . . ?!

Annoyingly enough, I didn't come up with an answer. (I am the type that
doesn't like doing unless there IS a goal. And so with that situation, I
have just enjoyed reaching little goals. I am pretty sure I have been
inspired to work on 1 foot this week. And I am sure I will get all
obsessed over it, and learn it (both feet this week). Then, I will tell
a few people "hey I can 1 foot." Finally, I will wonder why I tell
people I reached another goal - or what I will do when I have reached
all of my goals. The biggest thing I want to do well is a 180 off a
small set of stairs - land and ride off backwards. It really goes no
farther than that. Then what?

The cycle will end someday. There will be no more goals. I will
eventually be a "good" rider (in my own eyes). And like other "projects"
I do, I will probably have no more desires - save one:

I am sure that I will always want to ride with good people.
onefiftyfour, Dave Orchard, duaner, BigWheelTex, etc. Maybe one day I
will also get to play street hockey (or something) with Dan Heaton, Kris
Holm and Darren Bedford. These are men I have met and I continue to be
impressed with them - not so much by their riding but by their
We need more women.

*That* was the magic I have felt in unicycling today.
The magic that will continue after the magic of learning grows faint.
I only get to be a newbie until the next *social* newbie comes along.
Hopefully by the time that time comes . . .

-- - member

Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown
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I would classify my progress as slower than I'd like it to be.

I have been riding since 22 Feb this year (the day after I got the uni)
and currently have 9.5 hours in the saddle. I know that's not much but
I work full time, have 2 kids (14 and 4) and am a single mom. The EX
takes the kids every other weekend but I have so much stuff piled up to
do practice time is hard to find. My brother (who stays with me) is a
great help. He's also over 6 foot - the perfect height to support
somebody on a coker!

I know I'd be better if I practiced more, but I hang on to the little
victories. I'm doing better than I ever thought possible. I feel so
light when I step up into the saddle now, as opposed to the dead weight
I was when I began. I have so much more confidence in my abilities. A
fall that once left me a shaking wreck now finds me leaping back into
the saddle so as not to waste any practice time.

I hope to be riding unsupported by the end of the week. If I am Dave
(GILD) owes me a beer. If I'm not I owe him one.


Jayne ZA - Learning to ride on a Coker

Being a statistician means never having to say you're certain

Jayne ZA's Profile:
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Jayne, you are at a massive disadvantage. I learnt on a 24” and then
rode a 20” a little some time back it was way way easier. A Coker (can’t
remember what tyre size that is) which is just way too difficult for
myself to even consider riding and I can ride my 24” okish after six
months. Your riding may be slower than you like but when you’ve finally
sussed it you’ll be able to ride them all easy.

Huthwaite - <bahhh>
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One on One: Sounds like you are right on track, or a little ahead of the
game. Starting at age 46 isn't an easy task. I started at 41, two years
ago. If you remain interested in unicycling you will likely find the
challenges and achievements never stop coming. Just a few words of
1. wear pads. The first few months will be much less painful, and you
will likely be more confident to try things.
2. read the skill levels, and ask plenty of questions here. The lower
skill levels may look boring, but they include and important variety of
things you should try.
3. try to remember your progress, and look for improvements to encourage
yourself. Most skills are combinations of many subskills, all which can
be improved. While you are practicing a skill expect to seem to get
nowhere at first, but over a few days things will improve.
4. follow your own pace. It sounds like you don't have too many other
unicyclists around yet, but us oldbies can get injured easily and we
don't heal too quick. (Excepting Iron Man Harper)
5. find and befriend other unicyclists. This is the biggest help of all.
Even if you practice alone most of the time, unicyclists are a special
6. have fun!

iunicycle - Old back, new cricks
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> I just wish I had the nerve to ride around more between the weekly
> juggling club sessions, doing more than just idling while watching TV
> in the lounge. It's no problem riding with two other people in a
> different town, but the moment I step out my own front door with
> unicycle in hand, I sweat and break out in a panic attack and have to
> rush back indoors. gkmac

I know what you mean by heading out on your own. I started riding on my
back deck until the deck got too short. It was a nice safe place to
learn, handrails and no spectators. Then I found a secluded tennis court
where I took my 5 and 2 year old kids to ride their tricycle and 2
wheeler on training wheels. That was a good place plus I had the 2 kids
for security.

Next I finally bit the bullet and rode down the side street near my
house. I was a bit nervous about riding a unicycle in public, but I
survived and now I actually look forward to cruising down the road. I've
had positive comments from people that I stop to chat with.

> I have been riding since 22 Feb this year (the day after I got the
> uni) and currently have 9.5 hours in the saddle. I know that's not
> much but I work full time, have 2 kids (14 and 4) and am a single mom.
> The EX takes the kids every other weekend but I have so much stuff
> piled up to do practice time is hard to find. My brother (who stays
> with me) is a great help. He's also over 6 foot - the perfect height
> to support somebody on a coker! Jayne ZA

I give you a lot of credit for learning on a Coker expecially with your
distractions. The only thing that might make it more of a challenge is
if you try doing it while blindfolded. Keep up the good work. You'll get

Yesterday I got to practice for about an hour, mostly on turning. I was
able to do left hand circles. Once I got my first circle, I got into
this groove thing and just kept going in a circle. Was very cool. Still
working on the right turn.

My left foot freemount is now at about 90-95 percent successful.

One on one
One on one's Profile:
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One on one wrote:
> *I give you a lot of credit for learning on a Coker expecially with
> your distractions. The only thing that might make it more of a
> challenge is if you try doing it while blindfolded.*

You know, that could be a good idea! It'll make it harder to worry
about falling if I can't see the floor. ;)


Jayne ZA - Learning to ride on a Coker

Being a statistician means never having to say you're certain

Jayne ZA's Profile:
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I've been riding just under 4 weeks now. I'm cleaning long (a mile or
so) moderate technical singletrack on the downhill and some short uphill
sections. I've begun to stick the odd bunny-hop on the trail, and when
I stick it, it feels awesome so I can't wait till I'm hucking big

I just go a real MUni right before this weekend and the 3" tire makes
such a difference. Deep sand and loose rocks are not near as hard now.
Almost feels like cheating.

I've been riding until I can barely walk then I take a rest day and
start riding again.

jrutkows's Profile:
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OK. You guys all make me sick. I always knew that I was balance
challenged but this it rediculous. I'm 49 and I've been at it about 6
weeks now on a Torker 20" almost every day. Sometimes 15 minutes,
sometimes an hour. I've lost track of my total time but I'm estimating
a bit over 20 hours now. I still feel incredibly lucky if I go 10
meters without a UPD. And a freemount is but a distant
dream.:rolleyes: My normal riding session consists of hanging onto a
pole or a fence, riding 7-15 pedal strokes in a relatively uncontrolled
left hand circle with arms flailing and then losing my balance. Then I
walk back to the pole and do this again, usually about 100 times and
then go home, sweat soaked and frustrated. Still, I'm VERY determined
to figure this out. I've got a friend who rides at about level 3 and
he's watched me and can't figure out where I'm going wrong. I want to
be able (someday) to do some serious distance riding for fun and fitness
but I gotta be able to get across the damn tennis court first!!:mad:

underdog - level 0.5 rider

I feel a lot more like I do now than I did when I got here.
underdog's Profile:
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> I'm 49 and I've been at it about 6 weeks now on a Torker 20" almost
> every day. Sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour. I've lost track of
> my total time but I'm estimating a bit over 20 hours now. I still feel
> incredibly lucky if I go 10 meters without a UPD.

I wouldn't feel too bad about your progress if I were you. I put in my
first 30 hours in less than a week, and immediately thereafter began
riding to classes. When I work on learning a new skill, that's pretty
much how it goes - I have intense, long (4-6 hour) sessions until it
clicks, and then use the skill as much as humanly possible in everyday

The other big help is riding the uni -everywhere-. That can take some
guts at first - especially when faced with the possibility of falling
off in front of people you don't know. If you ride all the time, you
gain confidence and get over it. The more confident I became with my
riding, the more I rode in more crowded areas.

entropy - life in balance
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On Mon, 26 Apr 2004 14:57:14 -0500, "underdog" wrote:

>I've lost track of my total time but I'm estimating
>a bit over 20 hours now. I still feel incredibly lucky if I go 10
>meters without a UPD. And a freemount is but a distant

Underdog, don't dispair! Everyone learns in their own pace. You may be
learning a bit slower than average but not abnormally so. Just keep
practicing and easy riding will come for sure! And see the practicing
as a fun thing in its own right, not as a tedious process required to
become something.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
Clearly a system of 1/14 and 1/16 is not decimal - Mikefule on the English weight system
Thanks Entropy and Klaas Bil. Words of encouragement are always
appreciated. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be posting when I hit
that magical 50 meter mark.:)

underdog - level 0.5 rider

I feel a lot more like I do now than I did when I got here.
underdog's Profile:
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> *My normal riding session consists of hanging onto a pole or a fence,
> riding 7-15 pedal strokes in a relatively uncontrolled left hand
> circle with arms flailing and then losing my balance. Then I walk back
> to the pole and do this again, usually about 100 times and then go
> home, sweat soaked and frustrated. Still, I'm VERY determined to
> figure this out. Underdog*

Underdog you have amazing determination for a guy our age. One
suggestion that I can offer that helped me before I was making any
distance further than 10 feet is to lower your seat down a little bit. I
was making my first attempts in the local tennis court and not getting
any distance, when my father in law, whom has never even tried a unicyle
in his whole life said, "you should lower your seat down, it looks like
it's too high." Well, how could I possibly take advice from someone who
doesn't know the first thing about riding. Reluctantly, I lowered the
seat. The very next attempt, I rode about 30-40 feet. Not only was it
easier to get on the unicycle, but for some reason, I was able to ride
it. I've long since raised my seat back up to the original height. The
couple of sessions with the lowered seat really helped get me going.
Also remember heavy on the seat, light on the pedals. Good luck, keep us

One on one
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