Re: New Magura HS33 for $36



I just bought a new Magura HS33 front brake with the big lever that I
found on ebay and there are more, the item # is 3671501725 and the
seller has more for direct sales for $36 including shipping. This is a
great price these are over $100 from Dan

Tellurider - Dan Wilson
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im getting a new kh24 im late may, and am -somewhat- interested in
brakes. however, i dont know anything about brakes or how much they
should cost or which kind to get. is this a good deal? or is it likely
to break? 36$ sounds very reasonable to me; i think it was like 169$
extra to get the kh24 with brakes.


tennisgh22 - Learning to muni

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
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It's an extra $159 to get the KH-24 with a brake from, it seems
a bit expensive but it's really not a bad deal if you want a brake right
away. If you search around you can find an HS-33 for next to nothing. I
got mine for only $20.
Here's what I would do if I were you, is get the KH24 WITHOUT the brake
upgrade and keep your eye open for one being sold for cheaper used. Then
if you have no luck and can't wait any longer buy the brake from
afterwards. They don't give you a break on the price of it anyway when
you buy it with the KH-24 (which in my opinion they should).

zod - Icey Hot Stunta(z)
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THese are a little different than what has. The $169 brakes are
made specificly for mounting on a unicycle by Magura. The cable is the
appropriate length, and is steel rather than plastic. I think this will
ensure they can take some abuse. Sometimes though, I think I spend
money just to spend money.

On the other hand, you can't really beat $36. Especially if your not
sure wether or not you will even benefit from brakes. Not everyone
wants or like brakes. Some riding you definitley won't need them. Nice
to have when you do. I think if you ride steep downhills or long
downhills it will let you save some energy for other parts of the ride.

bugman - Survivor 2004 Wolfman Duathalon
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bugman wrote:
> *THese are a little different than what has. The $169 brakes
> are made specificly for mounting on a unicycle by Magura. *

you dont really belive that load do ya?

Magura makes brakes available separatly for the front and rear wheels of
a bike.the ones are selling are simply the front brake for a just so happens that the cable is long enough for a unicycle

forget_your_life - #3649 plus_your_life

dream one dream many....
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forget_your_life's Profile:
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I bought my first Magura from and then upgraded to SS
braided hoses for about $30 including shipping, I plan to do the same
with this brake still a lot cheaper than the $160, I bought it for a
spare incase mine blows out so I dont have down time while rebuilding
the one on my muni, and I am planing to build another muni/cruser
someday hopefuly a Harper shifting hub with a 24x3 with brakes.

Tellurider - Dan Wilson
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zod wrote:
> *That's the HS, not the HS-33.......still a nice deal though.... *

I guess I didn't read it carefuly I thought it was a HS33, I have an
older HS33 on my muni now and I like the lever better than the new ones
its more solid, I dont think there is probably much differance between
this HS and a HS33, and I think I will like the biger lever.

Tellurider - Dan Wilson
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"forget_your_life" <[email protected]> writes:

> Magura makes brakes available separatly for the front and rear wheels of
> a bike.the ones are selling are simply the front brake for a
> just so happens that the cable is long enough for a unicycle
> too.

That's the $112 version. For $159 you get a new brake assembly: "The
tech team at Magura USA is now custom-making these for unicyclists."
This version features braided steel hoses, a shortened main hose and a
lengthened crossover hose compared to bicycle front brakes.
