Re: Mountain Mayhem 2008 (UK 24hr race)



Thanks for the right-up Rob and for organising things, I think you've
summed up the overall event well.
Thanks as well to Anna for stepping in at the last moment and Liam I
wish I could ride like that with no training.
(If I was just 25 years younger and 10kgs lighter and having longer
legs would help as well and........)

The week end started for me on Thursday after work, only living 15
minutes away, it seemed sensible to go and bag a decent camping spot
then, so armed with tent I set off for Eastnor after dinner.
After arriving I soon realised that I had nothing to corral an area for
us with, and that just erecting my tent would not be enough.
Anyway I selected an area, next to a hard track for car access after
the forecast rain, giving easy access to both the up and down sides of
the track through the campsite, near the loos (but far enough away to
avoid the smell) and reasonably close to the event village and the
Next to my spot was a bloke with one large tent and his car who had
claimed about half an acre to himself, I figured that if he had come
prepared to mark out that much space he would have some spare marker
tape, and so it turned out.
Then erect tent, mark out area, and go home to sleep and to work on
Friday, felt a little strange!!!!

Friday, return after work to defend the camp and wait for Rob, also
erect gazebo. Mmmmm, looking a bit less greedy now with two tents, a
gazebo and two cars.

My first lap - walked up the hill, but good fun on top and although
some of the down was too steep, grip was good under foot so it was not
a problem. As has been mentioned the second part of the lap was better
for Uni's and was good fun.
Prat fall moment - taking a can of Red Bull from the guys in the tent
saying something like "it's easy for me as I've got both hands free"
and then UPDing about 10m later:D

Second lap - Dark, loads of mud, the downhill single track was
unwalkable, several times I stood on a slope with both feet firmly
planted and skiied down the mud. On a grassy cross camber slope on the
way back to the campsite I came off, landed on my back but the splash
sent mud all over my face and glasses.
That was enough for me then, I declared after that one, but well done
to Liam and Rob, they continued plugging away to the end. I was nearly
tempted to go out myself again towards the end, nearly.

On to next year and a nice d........

Better not, I got the blame for the rain this year after saying the
weather would be good.


All generalisations are dangerous, even this one.
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