Re: It came by UPS today

john childs-stop being so damn helpful. just kidding, youre awesome

gpickett00 - Level 2.75

Bicycle is just a short way of saying unicycle with a training wheel.
'Our unicycling video' (
> I like to do things that confuse other people - mix chocolate milk and
> orange juice, read books in trees, and other junk like that.

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gpickett00 wrote:
> *john childs-stop being so damn helpful. just kidding, youre awesome *

Harper's post in that thread I linked to was more helpful than my post
in that thread. Maybe I should contract out my technical writing to
Harper. That would make my posts more clear and easier to understand.

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

john_childs (at) hotmail (dot) com
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john_childs wrote:
> *
> Harper's post in that thread I linked to was more helpful than my post
> in that thread. Maybe I should contract out my technical writing to
> Harper. That would make my posts more clear and easier to understand.
> :) *

What was that? I don't understand :confused:

daino149 - How's it going, Texas?

there ain't enough body armor in the country for me to try that. -- Ken
on the mtbr forum in reference to MUni
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