Idling is staying on the unicycle withought any overall travel in any
direction through gentle rocking of the wheel.
I personally think idling is important for all types of riding. When
going back to pedals from wheelwalks I go into an idle, and when muniing
I find that if I make a long skid at the bottom of a technical hill or
something like that, my weight is back and an idle is a very convenient
way to control the wheel and get back on track. Also, if my wheel gets
forced onto a line I don't want to take, I can force an idle, even over
rocks and roots, and then turn my wheel and continue on a new line. In
trials, I find that idling has many overlooked uses. Firstly, on a large
line, one can take breaks without dabbing by just idling for a few
minutes. Also, rather than doing energy-consuming flat gaps, I find that
I'll do a couple of idles to move my tire closer to an obstacle. Another
use is that on some types of moves, I may suddenly find my pedals
vertical. If I couldn't idle, I'd just tip over, but instead, even when
my seat's out, I can idle my way back to the ideal position.
Then comes uni basketball and street riding around pedestrians. In uni
basketball, I idle a lot, although lately I find small hops leave me
more ready to manuever. In the street and sidewalks, I get cut off by
cars in the middle of the street, in which if I couldn't idle I'd be off
my uni standing in the middle of a street. Instead, I idle, and then go.
When around thick pedestrians, I idle lots, at lights, behind strollers
blocking the sidewalk, and many other peculiar things. I agree with
John, someone who can't idle in a pedestrian environment is not safe.
Now, I'm curious, what do you mean by "I ride muni & trials mostly, and
I am not into the technical aspects of riding."? Isn't that a bit of an
oxymoron? Isn't the whole point of muni to ride a really difficult,
technical trail? And trials is all about a technical obstacle with
limited space and difficult, precise moves. Is it trials if it isn't at
all technical?
gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist
Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
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